The Date

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Don't worry guys, you won't have to deal with Paul and I flirting the whole story. Just bare with it for this first part, ok?

It's 12:00, and I had just finished getting ready. I had a simple blue dress on with a necklace, waiting for Paul.

Paul: Sweetheart, are you ready- oh my, you look stunning, like always.

Me: Thank you, Paulie. Are you ready to go leave the wild boys?

Paul: I'm glad to leave their antics for a little while and be with the one I love most. Alright, let's go announce it.

Downstairs, all of the boys were surprisingly calm. Freddie had Delilah in his arms, but that was normal.

Me: Paul? They're all kind of normal...

Paul: That's not a good sign. Just go with it.

Me: Boys? We're leaving and we'll be back at 7:00. We better not see the house destroyed, ok?

Davy: *eyes widen* Well, don't you look pretty tonight...

Paul: Please don't flirt with my wife, Davy. Mike is in charge.

John: Aw, why does Mike have to be in charge?

Me: Because he's the most mature one out of all of you. Come on, Paulie. *kisses him*

Micky: Ewww! Quit it, lovebirds!

We step outside and are still skeptical about what will happen.

Me: Do you think they'll reek havoc?

Paul: Maybe. Mike will probably set them straight, though. Not to mention, we are not cleaning up their mess. We will watch them do it themselves. Now take your mind off of them and focus on the lovely day we're going to have.

(Ok no more Maul from this point forward)

Mike's POV

The two step out of the door and now I'm left with wild children. Wonderful.

John: Ok guys, what should we do?


Me: Absolutely not. If we destroy the house, we have to be the one to clean it up. Don't worry, I've got some fun activities we can do.

George: Like what? Do they involve food?

Me: *sighs* No, George, they have nothing to do with food. As suggested by Lonely_Nesmith, we're going to share our opinions on some things, ok? And we've also been told that we're amazing boys.

Freddie: That's boring though...

Me: No it's not! Everything is about us! Just give it a chance, we can still have fun!

Suddenly everyone was gone. Wild animals roaming the house, looking to destroy it for their own amusement.

Me: I'm not playing games with you guys. Come out of your hiding places at once!

The Beatles, Queen, and The MonkeesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora