Time to Hide

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Freddie: *yawns and walks down the stairs* Morning everyone!

Paul: Morning Freddie! Anything planned for today?

Me: I don't know yet...

John: *giggles quietly from behind the couch and jumps out and scares everyone* Boo! 

*everyone screams and ends up making Peter cry*

Mike: Oh great, look what you did. 

Peter: Why did you do that? That was mean...

John: Well geez, I'm sorry, I just want to play...I'm in a playful mood, ok?

George: Aren't you always in a playful mood?

John: Yes, pretty much. Hey, that could be our plan for today! Please, Mylee? Please?

Me: Sure...everyone could be on a team, if they want. And then we'll go from there.

John: Oh, Paulie...bunny...

Paul: I'm here, Johnny boy, my teammate.  *hugs*

George: *cough* McLennon. *cough* Anyway, Ringo!!

Ringo: George!!

Mike: Alright, Peter, you ready to win?

Peter: Yeah! That's what they get for making me cry earlier...

Freddie: Wait, but where's Davy and Micky?

Davy: Morning guys!

Micky: *yawns* Sorry, we woke up late. 

Davy: What's the devil's radio today?

Me: Looks like you two are on a team together for hide and seek.

Micky: Hide and seek? I'm a hide and seek master!! We're so gonna win, Davy. 

Freddie: *whines* Wait...but that means I'm all alone...

Me: It also means that you're the seeker, Freddie. 

Freddie: What?! I didn't sign up for this, darling. I want a teammate! How about you be my teammate? And we just wait it out...

Me: That would take forever for one of our other queen producers to randomly find us if we didn't tell them first. Face the facts, Freddie. Seeker. 

Freddie: *growls* Fine. Go hide. *starts counting while everyone hides* 

All: Perfect hiding spot...

Freddie: Ready or not, darlings, here I come...

Davy: *quietly* Um, Micky, are you sure this was a good spot? It's kind of obvious...

Micky: *quietly* Of course it is! I'm the hide and seek master, remember?

Freddie: *pulls back the rather thin blanket that both of them are hiding under* Hide and seek master, huh? Well you lost. 

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