We've Got Powers!

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Peter: *yawns* Ah. Good morning world and all who inhabit it! *walks downstairs and freezes the staircase unknowingly*

John: *walks downstairs and slips* Ow! Ok, who froze the stairs? *touches the stairs and melts the ice* You'wha- I did not just do that...

Freddie: *goes to use the bathroom but doesn't see his reflection* What's the- I'm the invisible man!

John: Peter! You'll never guess what I just did! *forms a fireball*

Peter: Wow! Well, I guess that explains this: *freezes the fireball*

John: Oh, so it was you who froze the stairs!

Freddie: Come on, let's not fight. We've got powers somehow.

Peter: Freddie? Where are you?

Freddie: Right in front of you, darling! I'm invisible. I haven't figured out how to be visible again though...

John: *goes upstairs and excitedly screams* GUYS! WAKE UP! WE'VE GOT INCREDIBLE NEWS!

Mike: Ugh, what do you want? I'm tired.

John: Look at this! *fire comes out of his hands*

George: You'wha? How?

Peter: And I can do this! *breathes ice*

Freddie: And I'm invisible! *becomes visible again* Oh, hey, I just figured it out.

Me: Oh gosh...it's real...

Ringo: What do you mean it's real? Do you know what's going on here?

Me: Well...maybe. I have no idea how you all acquired the same powers from the stories though...

Davy: Story?

Paul: Do we all have powers?

Me: You all should, if the story did this to you.

George: What do you mean by story-

Micky: Oh my gosh, what's my power?!

Me: *stretches out Micky's arm* Elasticity.

Micky: That's so cool!

Paul: So what does everyone else have?

Me: You can heal. Try on the remains of my sunburn, it could use it.

Paul: *kisses the peeling area and it heals*

Me: Oh, I was always hoping for that. Ta, sweetheart. You could've just touched it, y'know.

Paul: I thought that was how it worked...

Me: Both ways do.

Ringo: What are the rest of our powers?

Me: Run back upstairs and you'll see.

Ringo: *runs upstairs and comes back in a second* I'm fast!

Me: Here's some jelly babies, George. Eat some and discover what they do.

George: *eats them and coughs up what looks to be sparkles* What did I just do?

Me: Technically, you're supposed to make potions out of them, but since you ate them, those effects are already there for you.

George: What effects?

Me: Depends on the ones you ate. Mike, lift up that couch.

Mike: Are you crazy? That's way too heavy- *lifts it up easily* Oh, never mind. I guess I've got strength, then.

Me: You sure do.

Davy: What's my power?

Me: Why don't you say hello to Martha and see what happens?

Davy: *kneels down to Martha* Hi!

Martha: Morning Davy!

Davy: Wow! Did you guys hear that?

Peter: She barked. All dogs do that.

Davy: No, she said good morning to me!

Me: Davy can talk to animals.

Paul: So...how'd we get these?

Me: I may have written a series of stories where you all have the same powers as you do now...sorry...

Micky: Sorry? This is awesome!

John: What will we do now?

Me: Well, that's up to the readers...


Roger: Hello, everyone...

Brian: Why are you sad, Rog?

Roger: They've all got powers now...why don't we?

Deaky: Maybe we do. We just don't know it yet...

Roger: I don't feel like I do...

Brian: Well, that's not what we're here for. We've got an announcement, like always.

Deaky: Their adventures with their powers can continue, but it depends if you'd like that. We could arrange for them to save the world.

Roger: We can arrange that?

Brian: Yeah, we kind of run this book.

Deaky: We stole the book she was talking about so we can work something out.

Roger: You stole her book?! She's going to kill you.

Deaky: Yep. We're just giving the readers what they want...we think.

Brian: Well, on that note, goodbye, goodbye everyone!

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