"So, basically, you're saying, you're not allowed to fall in love or choose who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Neither are you allowed to pursue your dreams?" I'm confounded by his truth.

"Yes Kookie. I have no choice. This dinner with Namjoon, is just another formality. Our parents will decide for us. He is in the same boat as I am in. Namjoon will have to follow what his parents decree. It's the way we've been brought up. Doesn't mean we have to like it, we just have to accept the inevitable. The sooner the better for us both."

I'm silent after his long explanation. My heart is broken. Tears sting my eyes and I can't seem to keep them at bay. Before he can do or say anything, I rush out of his room and walk out into the night. I can't be at home right now. It's too painful. I'm losing my hyung, my amazing, beautiful hyungie. I love him so much. My heart aches as I let out a painful cry into the still, dark night. I've lost him forever.


Seokjin's POV

I know I've hurt him. But the sooner he knows, the better it will be for him. There's no future for us, no matter how much I want it. I control my tears and grab my keys as I head to the restaurant that Namjoon has selected.
It's an upmarket, posh venue for the elite.

"Kim Seokjin for Kim Namjoon," I inform the matre di and she guides me to our VIP table where Namjoon is already seated and waiting.

"Hey. I'm sorry I'm late," I begin.

"No, it's absolutely fine. I just got here too."

He's pre ordered and we sit in comfortable silence until Namjoon breaks it.

"Seokjin, I want you to know, no matter what our parents decide, I want to get to know you better. I mean, the real you. Not the fake one we all have to put forward to the world."

I look down at my empty plate.

"Namjoon.....I know it's not ideal, you and I. You probably had other plans for your life, but I want to make this work and I'm willing to try if you are too." I don't know where I got the confidence to say that. My mind is only on my Kookie. I'm so worried for him.

Namjoon leans across and takes my hand in his. It feels so foreign, so wrong. These same hands were just in Kookie's before and it felt right...perfect. I push those thoughts away and focus on the man in front of me.

"Seokjin, you are so handsome and well put together. I don't know what we are right now but I know that I also want to make this work, not only for our parents but also for us. I'm willing to be your life partner if you are willing as well."

He seems so sincere. I nod my head and he gets up and crouches before me.

"Can I kiss you Seokjin?" His voice is deep and sexy, his eyes search mine.

"Y-yes," I manage breathily.

He reaches up and cups my head, pulling us closer. When he leans in and his lips find mine, I close my eyes and I see my Kookie. Namjoon's mouth moves on mine and I kiss him back, an image of Kookie in my mind. The kiss intensifies as my thoughts transport me on a sensual journey to feeling Jungkook's lips on mine.

When Namjoon finally pulls away, he looks flustered and a little surprised at the intensity of the kiss. I look down, ashamed that I was thinking of Kookie and not him. But I can't help it,  I love Jungkook.

"Thank you Seokjin. You really surprised me there."

He walks back to his seat and the waiter enters with our food. As the evening moves along, I find myself thinking more on Kookie and my feelings for him. When Namjoon pecks my lips goodnight and I drive back to my penthouse, all I want to do is go to Kookie.

I enter a quiet home and my heart aches. It's been three hours since I left him. I knock softly on his door and enter but he's not there; his bed is neat and tidy. I sigh heavily as I make my way to my room, only to find Kookie curled up and holding my pillow to his chest, fast asleep.

My heart yearns for him and I remove my outer wear and get into bed beside him. As I pull him to me, I feel him stir. He opens his eyes and they lock on me wordlessly. When I lean in and capture his lips, he doesn't protest, but kisses me back with the same intensity that I'm feeling. I love you Jungkook.


Thank you to everyone who is reading and supporting this ff. I love you guys so much 💖😙

Happy New Year ARMY! May the new year bring with it a fresh outlook and good tidings for you and your loved ones 💕

Feliz año nuevo 🎉🎈💞🎊

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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