Chapter 34

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Kept my promise :) Ne?

please like it! xD


Hitomi's Pov

"Tobi! Get over here! I am NOT in a pleasant mood!" I shouted at nothing in paticular in the forest.

Tobi appeared in front of me, doing his little mask thing he does. 

"Tobi." I said.

"Hitomi." He acknowledged, crossing his arms.

"You were controlling Pein, ne?" I said, more like a question than a statement.

"So you figured it out."He spoke, uncrossing his arms,"I was the real leader of the Akatsuki."

"So then, did you have anything to do with the death of my family?" I asked, seriously.

Tobi tsked,"You should have done your research, Orochimaru was doing things behind the Akatsuki's back for his own reasons. I, and the Akatsuki, had nothing to do with it."

Hm, I expected that. "Hmm, then, how about Danzo?"

The atmosphere got heavy, and Tobi seemed slightly agitated as he said,"Why do you ask me of Danzo?" If Danzo had tried to destroy the leaf village during the Chunnin exams using Orochimaru, why wouldn't he order the death of my family?

I crossed my arms and gave him a look,"You know just as well as I do, the whole story of the Uchiha Massacre."

He was silent.

I sighed,"I know that you told Sasuke so you could control him, now tell me what you know!"

Tobi looked at me and I stared straight back at his dark eye hole thingy. "You can't order me." he said, as his Sharingan slowly became visible.

I closed my eyes then opened them, staring back at him with my Yorugan. "I'm not ordering, I'm merely asking for a favor."

'Cause threatening someone is exactly like asking for a favor.

Suddenly this weird feeling, a strong wind rushing over me, my body being compressed, then nothing.

I looked around, feeling in need of breath, everything was black except for white rectangles randomly spread out. Probably, the only thing I could stand on. I was sitting on one of them. 

I glared at Tobi, who was now standing in front of me,"Dude, what the hell? Where am I?"

"I don't think you understand your situation." He said calmly, lifting up a kunai, threateningly.

My eyes widened, oh shit. I unsheathed my katana and backed away a few steps. As soon as I stopped, the ground under me gave, instantly disappearing. I grabbed the ledge of another white rectangle thing, or box, and hoisted my self on top of it. I eyes the bottomless pit behind me. There was definetly something there when I stepped on it. What the hell.

I stood up and aimed a strike with my katana at him, but then my katana disappeared right out of my hands. "Where-?" I looked around and spot it at his feet. "How-?"

Suddenly, I was knocked backwards, I opened my eyes to see a orange face mask. I looked around. He was on top of me with a kunai to my neck. "How the fuck?" I said.

"I told you. You don't understand your situation." He said.

Suddenly I felt stiff and I couldn't move. My eyes widened, what? I tried my best to move, but I couldn't  budge. Was this genjutsu?

I immediately flickered on kyukyoku, but the scene hadn't faded away. I turned it back off.

"You are in the dimension my sharingan controls." He stated,"I can bring things into, and out of, this dimension."

A tree popped up by my head showing this was true. 

I looked at him,"Then why doesn't my kyukyoku work?"

He got off of me, but I still couldn't move. -__-

"Ah, your Kyukyoku Yorugan has the power to nullify dojustu, correct?"

Ah fuck, I slipped up.

"Very troublesome power, it would be wise to kill you now before you cause me trouble later." He said his eye flashing.

I glared. I'm not dying now of all times!

We just glared at eachother for a few minutes, neither of us letting up. 

"It doesn't work," He said breaking the silence,"Simply because its too late. All you were doing was preventing me to bring things in and out of this dimension."

"So I'm stuck here, until you feel the need to let me out?"

"Correct." he stated.

"...." I thought for a moment,"So are you gonna tell me about Danzo or what?"

He sighed,"You're irritating you know that? I could kill you right now, and you don't even care!"

I shrugged,"If you're gonna kill me anyway, then you could at least tell me."

He remained silent, then looked down on me. Suddenly I felt my muscles relax and I could move again. I got up, groaning as I stretched out my arms.

"Danzo, he wanted to become Hokage." Tobi started,"He tried everything to become powerful. And one of the first things he did was plan, with Orochimaru, the attack of your family."

I breathed in and gritted my teeth. Of course.

"I believe he, however, had no intention of harming your family." 

I raised an eyebrow.

Tobi continued,"They targeted the only Murasaki alive with the yorugan. You.

"Orochimaru felt it was necassary to kill your family, Danzo thought it was excessive and cut ties with Orochimaru, not wanting him to be traced to one of the Great Kage's murder. By then, you were already captured.

"Danzo leaving the alliance was part of Orochimaru's plan, to have your power solely to him. He had already capured the others, Haruka included. Thats the whole story. As to why he released you back to you village after, I don't know. I assume he was planning to recapture you after you had increased in strength."

I looked down at my lap. So Danzo wasn't that involved. "Is that really it?"

"Thats all of the story you asked for." He stated looking at the distance.

"So there really is more to the story then?" I said, rolling my eyes.

Then Tobi did something weird. He laughed, this really evil sounding laugh. "You'll discover it soon enough. You should be more worried about your life."

He summoned my katana. MY katana. He wouldn't dare.

He started running toward me, he then took a swing, which I narrowly dodged.

He dared! D:<

I felt my arm begin to stiffen, and I turned on my Kyukyoku before something else could be paralysed. 

He swung my Katana at me again, and I somersaulted a few boxes away. Fuck, I should have done my Kyukyoku faster. Now he has a weapon, I don't, AND one of my arms is paralysed.

Well fuck.

Is hitomi gonna make it? xD

Idk xD Lol

Remember to like the facebook page! i'm planning on posting at least a litle info and stuff. 

Probably gonna make a twitter because I actually know how to use it. xD


see you sometime else! :)

In Konoha Book 2: Things Just Keep Getting More ComplicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora