Chapter 29

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Hitomi's Pov

"Place your hats on the table. The meeting starts now." Mifune said.

I placed the hat I almost never wore on the table, and stared straight across to Haruka. She seemed to be ignoring me. I narrowed my eyes in a glare, before I looked away.

The table we were sitting on was Horseshoe shaped. I was between the new Hokage and Gaara, with the Mizukage on the other side of Gaara. Directly across from me was Haruka, in between the Hokage and the Tsuchikage. On the other side of the Tsuchikage was the Raikage.

Man, I seriously need to learn these guys names. Speaking of which, what happened to Tsunade?

After an awkward silence, Gaara spoke up,"I'll go first. Listen up."

The Tsuchikage then said,"The makeup of the 7 kages sure has changed." He looked at Haruka, Gaara, and I,"3 Kages are kids. You all should be something special to be Kage at your age." He then looked at Gaara,"Your father must have taught you right, but he apparently he didn't teach you manners."

"I guess... thats what made me Kazekage." Gaara responded.

I tried to hold in my giggles, but the Tsuchikage seemed to have another idea.

"Hahahaha! Cheeky brat!"

"Tsuchikage, please stop interrupting. Kazekage please continue..." The Mizukage said.

"Owned." I mumbled to myself. Which caused all of them to look at me. I blushed at the sudden attention and cleared my throat,"Uhm, yeah Ga- Kazekage! Please continue!" I flashed a smile.

Tsuchikage laughed even more, before we all looked at Gaara.

"I'm a former host." He began,"Akatsuki captured me and nearly killed me extracting the beast. Thats why I believe the Akatsuki are very dangerous. I requested aid from all the other Kages many times, but they all ignored me. Except for the former Hokage, the Kuraikage, and the Hikarikage. The Kuraikage and Hikarikage before they were even Kages. Though at this point with so many hosts captured, its too late for aid."

The tsuchikage scoffed,"If a country had its host captured, it has no business giving other countries orders! Its and embarassment!"

I thought for a moment,"Wait. Is Yamigakure and Hikarigakure the only villages that don't have hosts?"

The Tsuchikage laughed,"Kids these days! No manners!

"Okay, Tsuchikage, sorry for wondering something. Continue." I said sarcasticly. Just because they are older.. Thinking there better than us, the fuck man?! 

He began glaring, maybe it was my tone of voice? I don't give a fuck anymore. I gave him my most fake smile I could ever make..

"Respect your elders, kid. Haven't your parents ever taught you that. I've had this job longer than you. you've only had it for a few months now, correct? Just sit quietly, and observe the people with experiance, maybe you'll learn something." he said.

My smiled dropped for a minute and but reappeared.. "I'm sorry, Tsuchikage, I hadn't meant to offend you. I barely talked to my parents, they never taught me anything. I know I don't have any experience, but I trusted you would have fate in me, because I now have the title of Kuraikage."

"I'll trust you when you earn my respect." He responded.

"You don't trust my power?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Its not your power I don't trust. I don't trust you." 

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You seem to have a history for being a traitor."

Oh he did not just go there.

I didn't even realize I stood up until Akira and Nikki were in front of me in a stance, while the Tsuchikage's guards were in a stance in front of him.


Akira's Pov

The moment after he said that, Hitomi shot up fast, and the aura around her spoke death.

Immediately me and Akadari-san rushed in front of her, in a stance. 

Mifune then spoke,"We are here to talk. Please refrain from such displays of rudeness."

Hitomi gritted her teeth,"Akira, Nikki, its fine."

She smiled innocently at the Tsuchikage,"I'm so sorry, Tsuchikage." However, the dark aura was still looming threateningly over her.

Akira put a hand on her shoulder to which she looked at him shocked. He then spoke to the Tsuchikage,"We don't appreciate you showing your obvious discontentment for our choice of Kuraikage. She has earned my respect, and soon she'll earn yours."

The Tsuchikage looked shocked for a second. For a mere guard to talk back at him, THE Tsuchikage. However he only glared and dismissed his guards.

Hitomi, now much calmer, sat down again and acted like nothing ever happened, much to the surprise of everyone else.

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