Chapter 9

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here is the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!

BON APETIT!!!!!!!!


yeah im weird XD


Narrator's Pov

Hitomi new that Naruto was going to change Sai's mind. Thats just the type of person Naruto is. He also inspired her dream. Heh...


Sakura woke up and stretched as she looked around the room. Hitomi was sprawled across her sleeping bag, her arms everywhere along with her hair. Yup, totally a elegant princess... -__-"

Sakura looked outside and saw Sai drawing.

She went outside,"Sai!"


Once the rustling of Sakura moving reached the ears of Hitomi she woke up. She waited for Sakura to leave before getting up.

When she stood up she stretched her arms and back. She yawned once more before changing and heading out to where Sakura was, forgetting about her rumbling stomach.

(Haruka would start going all rage if she knew LOL)

"Drawing a picture?" Hitomi heard Sakura ask.

Hitomi rolled her eyes,"Noooooooo, He's eating pie!" Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

Sakura chuckled before saying to Sai,"Your really mean, but you have a nice side too, ne?

Sai smiled,"That fake smile, are you going to hit me again?"

Hitomi kicked the back of his head,"SAKURA IS TRYING TO BE NICE!!!!!! BE NICE BACK!!!"

Sakura chuckled then stared off,"Well I kind of do want to hit you..." Then she started laughing,"Just kidding."

"So what is your picture called?"

Sai stopped drawing at the innocent question. "None of my pictures have names."

Sakura tilted her head,"Dpn't pictures usually have names, like how someone feels when they are drawing it?"

"I can't give them names, I feel nothing. I don't have any emotions."

Hitomi sighed and sat next to Sai. She looked at the sky and spoke,"Thats all bull shit and you know it. No human can not have emotions. No matter how hard they try."

She chuckled,"I remember when I was little no matter how much the blank expression stayed on my face, I still had emotions. Angry, happy, frustrated, sad, I still felt them, even if it didn't show on my face."

She smiled at Sai,"I had a really good friend when I was little, who helped me express my emotions. He helped me stay human. Even if I hated every fiber of his being when we first met."

Sai smiled back before continuing his drawing.

Sakura looked at Hitomi curiously,"Why did you hate him?"

Hitomi laughed,"Its not as if it matters, now that my village is destroyed, but, when I was born I was suppose to marry him."

Sakura raised an eyebrow,"An arranged marriage?"

Hitomi nodded,"It was really weird. My grandma always said,'To keep the Murasaki blood pure.' And I'd just tell her that she was creepy."

Sakura laughed,"You were blunt even when you were little."

Hitomi laughed too,"I guess so."

Sakura then asked,"So, this guy, he's dead right?"

Hitomi's eyes grew distanced,"I don't think so, but if I do meet him again, I assure you one of us would be."


Hitomi gave a sad smile,"We aren't exactly on best terms..." Her fust tightened, Oh how she wanted to kill him.

"Guys! We have to leave Yamato told me to get you!" Naruto called.

The 3 stood up and journeyed for some time.


"Here is fine." Yamato said using mokuton and making a house.

Hitomi stared at it,"That is definetly not camping..."

"Its fully made out of wood...How fun it would be to burn....."

Everyone stared at Hitomi.

The glint in her eyes disappeared when she noticed. She rubbed the back of her neck,"Sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud...."

"Like that makes it any better." They all thought at her and headed in.


"Its been a long time, Sasori-sama."

Holy shit, thats Kabuto! Hitomi thought while watching them. She falshed on her Kyukyoku Yorugan, trying to read his mind.

. . .


. . .


. . .

NO HARUKA TOOK MY COOKIES!!!! Wait... that was a dream... heheh.

"Your conversation seems quite amusing, mind if I join in." Orochimaru said, his overly long tongue flaping like a kite.

Of course. 

"Sasori" and Kabuto stapped back opposite Orochimaru in a fighting stance.

Kabuto's hand started to glow blue with chakra and before Yamato could react, Kabuto chopped apart the imitation Hiruko with his hand.

Yamato quickly jumped back, but was met with Orochimaru's snake hands. Luckily he used a wood substitute just in time.

"Your not the real Sasori, so I'm assuming he's dead? The four little mice hiding can come out now." Orochimaru said.

Yamato gave a signal and Sakura, Naruto, and Sai jumped out epicly. Hitomi, who was a little slow, walked awkwardly out a few seconds later and stood next to Naruto. She ooked at the three and realized they were in a fighting stance. So she awkwardly stood in one.

Orochimaru laughed,"Your a funny one, who are you?"

Hitomi stared uncaringly at Orochimaru who grinned when he saw her eyes.

"Hitomi-chan, you've changed quite a lot."

"Go. Away." Hitomi said bluntly.

"It seems you've grown powerful enough to control that curse. It was less stable then the curse mark I gave Sasuke, so I assumed you'd be dead by now. You have even more potential then I thought."

"Go. Away." Hitomi repeated.

"You may become even stronger then Sasuke."

"Go. Away."

Orochimaru laughed,"You never cease to amuse me."


Orochimaru laughed again then turned to Naruto,"The kyubi boy is here too. Lets play with them shall we? I'll give the pleasure of telling you who has gotten stronger, you or Sasuke."

Hitomi's eyes flickered to Naruto. His pupils were like slits, his whiskers more well defined, and his teath were more pointed. Shit.


YAYA done!!!!!!!!!





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