Chapter 28

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srry havent updated in a while!!!!! 

thanks to papperaconitum for commenting and everything :DDDDDD 


on with da play!!! i mean story o___o




Hitomi's Pov

"Hey, Akira?" I asked. Akira was filing paperwork and had his glasses on.

"Hm?" He responded looking at me.

"When is the meeting, anyway?" He never told me when, so...

"Today." He said not batting an eyelash.

My eyes widened,"Where is it exactly?"

"Uhm." He said looking up,"Land of the....Ire...Iro.......Ion....Ero..."

"Iron?" I said.

"Ah, yes, that." Akira said then continued filing paperwork.

Hehe, he's doing my job.. Wait. "LAND OF THE IRON?! THATS 2 DAYS TRAVEL AWAY!"

Akira chuckled and slid his glasses off. He walked over to me and lifted up my chin,"Its cute how stupid you are."

I glared at him,"Your going to make us late! VERY late!"

He laughed again, and removed his hand from my face,"Something called Shadow Traveling."

I blinked once. Then twice. Then I hit myself on the head,"I'M AN IDIOT!"

Akira smiled, then said,"We can leave when Akadari-san is finished cleaning up."

Just then, a soft knock was heard from the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Nikki stepped inside, clad in a mostly white fighting kimono with blue and purple streaks here and there. Her hair had the twigs taken off and she looked sparkling clean.

I grinned at her,"Looks like the servants had fun."

Nikki laughed,"i know! I look sexy!"

I laughed.

Then it was silent.

"Shall we go now?" Akira asked.

Nikki looked puzzled,"Go where?"


Nikki paled,"Uhm, I don't think thats a good idea..."

I tilted my head at her,"Why?"

She scratched her head,"Well...The only reason I was able to escape my village, was becaus eof the confusion the Kage meeting caused. What if the Mizukage recognizes me?"

I thought for a minute, then got it,"A wig. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME A WHITE WIG?!"

A servant handed me a midlength white wige that had straight bangs.

I tied up Nikki's hair and placed the wig on her,"Now she looks totally different!" 

Akira shook his head,"This is never gonna work."

I stared at Nikki again,"Yeah.... BLACK CONTACTS TOO!"


"There, now she looks totally different!" I claimed proudly.

Akira inspected her,"Yeah, I guess."

Nikki grinned,"Okay, lets go!"

I made the hand signs and we slipped into the shadows.


Some guy in a turban with a epic mustache greeted us.

"We've been waiting for you, Kuraikage." He said.

I instantly paniced,"OH SHIT THEY'RE GONNA KILL US!"

Nikki flicked my head, making me shut up.

The guy in the turban just looked at me and shook his head. Then he continued,"I am the leader of the Land of the Iron. My name is Mifune."

I thought for a moment,"You know if you pronounce it Mifyooon, then it kinda sounds like a drug..."

This time Akira covered my mouth, and smiled at turban dude,"We're sorry, she didn't take her pills this morning."

"WHAT PILLS!?" I tried to scream, but it was muffled so it sound more like,"MWA PIMS" Haha, it sound like my pimps! xD

The turban dude just smiled in return and said,"I understand. Please come in for some tea."

I eyetwitched and shook my face from Akira's grasp. "Your so mean!!!" I whined at Akira.

He just patted my head, and we walked in.

Sorry guys it was short!!! but i hav writers block.... its not that bad, but  it ended up in a short chapter :(





In Konoha Book 2: Things Just Keep Getting More ComplicatedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant