Chapter 14

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aliharuka, you lie, the last chapter wasnt THAT bad.

u make it sound like certain stuff happened *cough* *couch*

thats right i typed couch



on with le story?

BTW Im stopping with all the details, i mean, there will still be details, but i wont be copying the manga :)


Narrator's Pov

Sai was playing traitor while Sakura was trying her best to heal Naruto.

Sakura kept trying, even if her arm hurt.

Hitomi looked sadly at Sakura, who was defiently worried about Naruto.

"He'll be fine. Don't freak." She gave Sakura a reassuring smile, but the truth was, she had no idea if he really would. 

Sakura, who only seemed slightly comforted by this, grimly nodded.

Soon we heard Naruto breathe quickly.

Sakura smiled sadly,"I....I can only do the dumbest things for Naruto."

Yamato stared at Sakura,"Its not what you do for Naruto. Its how you feel about him. Sakura, is it true that you-"

"Sakura-chan." Naruto said sitting up.

"Naruto!" Sakura said crying.

"Huh, what happened? Why are you crying?" Naruto said utterly confused. He then stood up,"I bet it was Sai! What did he call you? Freak of nature?"

Sakura punched Naruto,"Baka! Who said anything about freak of Nature?" Then sakura turned to Yamat,"What happened to Sai?"


Im sure you guys know this, but, Sai goes all betrayal and is now teamed with Orochimaru. That his his secret mission. THE DERP!


"Sai's with Orochimaru." Yamato said.

"WHAT THEY ARE DATING?!" Hitomi screamed shocked.

They anime fell,"NO! It means he betrayed us!"

Hitomi smiled guiltily,"Oh, PSHHHHHHH I knew that."

They walked to where Naruto went all rage.

Naruto was still confused about what happened, so Sakura lied to him, telling him Orochimaru passed out. Wow, she actually cares about his feelings now.

They noticed Sai's stuff everywhere.

"OH! Its the BOOK!" Hitomi yelled picking up Sai's picture book.

The 3 talked about Danzou and Sai while Hitomi was looking at the pretty pictures.

She wasn't listening until she hear,"Danzou's probably planning to destroy Konoha as we know it."

Hitomi spun looking shocked. "LIKE HELL I'LL ALLOW THAT!"

"Maybe they are planning to team up with Orochimaru to attack the village, remove Tsunade from her post as Hokage, and let himself takeover." Yamato said.


Naruto then announced that we will all follow them. "OSU!" he started to stretch before falling.

Sakura looked worried.

Hitomi was already walking in the right direction,"Be careful Naruto."

Yamato said something about leaving him behind, but Sakura argued and Naruto turned out to be fine.

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