Chapter 21

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the fight u hav been waiting is just about to begin!!!!!!!

BTW Do you like the new cover? XD

lets hope i get the fight scene right, im not that good at writing them XD sooooo

lets see :)


Narrator's Pov

Everything was silent, but the tention was heavy.

Hitomi felt as if she was suffocating. Her breathing heavened and the thoughts swimming in her head were too much, she felt a dull pain in her head. This was way too stressful for her. There was no way she could fight her best friend! She couldn't easily pull over that emotionless mask she always did when it came to fighting. This was the girl that she had known for years! They talked, laughed, and cried together. 

Hitomi felt her hands start to tremble, but she tried her best to stop her whole body from doing the same.

Haruka on the other hand stared blanckly at there girl. Not even moving a muscle, giving no hint to her friend whatever was going on in her head.

Soon the silence become too much for Hitomi. 

She seethed, furious that she was the only one to feel the pressure while Haruka just stood there.

Her hands tightened into fists,"HARUKA SAY SOMETHING DAMNIT!!!"

Haruka just continued standing, staring emotionlessly at her friend.

Hitomi's grip was hard, so hard that her fist started to shake. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING!" The dull pain increased and now was a slight throb. Hitomi winced slightly.

Haruka calmly slid out a kunai from her kimono,"Your not going to let me go, Hitomi."

It wasn't a question. She just stated what she knew.

Hitomi's eyes turned from confusion to determination,"You know me too well."

Haruka sighed,"I'll guess I'll have to make you."

A slight whizzing sound hit Hitomi's ear. 

Her eyes widened and she rolled to the side, also biting her tongue.

As if in slow motion Hitomi saw a hair fall before the place where she was exploded.

Missed by a hair.

Hitomi's eyes changed from determination to dread. Haruka was serious about this.

The only way one of them would leave here, was if the other was dead.

A glint of light was the only thing that warned Hitomi to move before more kunai's lodged itself into the soil.

Sweat beaded down Hitomi's face. She peeked at Haruka from the tree she hid behind. Haruka was fast thats for sure. 

Her heart beated so fast that she felt as if it would burst. Her body was so hot, she felt feverish. And she tasted iron in her mouth from the blood that was spewing out of the bite on her tongue. Adrenaline coarsed through her body.

She flipped from behind the tree, landing behind Haruka, taking a swing at her head. Haruka dodged and Hitomi saw an opening at her side and aimmed a roundhouse kick, which Haruka caught. Seeing how her strongest leg was caught, Hitomi quickly aimed a heel drop on Haruka's arm so she would let go. Before this could land however Haruka pushed her away.

Hitomi flew back, trying to slow down with her feet. After she did Haruka threw more kunai, but Hitomi was quicly learning the pattern.

From back, kunai, kunai, kunai. From up, kunai, kunai. Right kunai, kunai, kunai, kunai. Up, kunai. Back, kunai, kunai, kunai, kunai. Left, kunai, kunai.

Hitomi repeated this in her head and was able to dodge all of them.

Haruka tsked, realizing her attack pattern had been found out. She was also running low on kunai.

She used the last of her kunai aiming for Hitomi's feet.

Hitomi, who was surprised leaped up several feet. When the tags on the kunai exploded, she could feel the intense heat. 

Haruka  took the opening and sent a fireball flying toward Hitomi.

A scream was let out, but was quickly held.

 Haruka's eyes scanned the burnt grass. An inflamed log lay on the grass. Her eyes narrowed as she surveyed her surroundings.

Hitomi knelt in a tree panting while clutching her arm. A light pain was coarsing through it. The adrenaline stopped her from fully feeling it.

Taking advantage of this, Hitomi refused to look at the wound and planned her attack.

Haruka started using jutsu.

Hitomi thought for a minute and she whipped out her fans. Then it struck her and she groaned. Fire beat wind.

She'd have to try still!

Hitomi flailled the fans wildly at Haruka. 

Haruka, who recognized the fans, dodged each vortex with a flip.

They were the same fans from the chunnin exams.

The chunnin exams. The last fight they had against eachother seriously. It ended with a tie.

This fight was now officially the continuation of that fight that happened 3 years before. 

And, unlike the one before, there will only be one winner.

Haruka made an x with her arms and pushed them out, causing thousands of knives and swords to be launched at Hitomi.

Hitomi quickly somersaulted out of the way and, while still in the air, sent a wave of razor sharp winds toward Haruka, who, at the same time, sent a ball of fire hurtling at Hitomi.

The 2 jutsu's clashed.

Come on! Urged Hitomi.

The two jutsu kept pushing eachother until finally one gave out at hurtled towards their victim.

Hitomi's eyes widened in fear as she  backflipped onto higher air, letting go of her fans, the fireball barely missing her shoe.

Well, fire did beat wind.

Hitomi looked around for her twin fans, but their charred pieces crumpled to the ground. Oh shit.

The reality of their fight was beginning to sink in. Hitomi new that it would take a miracle for her to win. Or a whole lot of luck.

And her luck was just about to run out.

The adrenaline started to slip away and the pain on her arm roared.

Hitomi gave a peak at her arm, but quickly looked away. Her arm was mangeled into a bloody, burnt mess. She could smell the odor of burnt flesh.










oh and tell me how th efight scene was ;D

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