Part 22- Planning a surprise

Start from the beginning

- Are you hungry?

- Not very hungry. - There was still some tension in her voice, but she seemed more relaxed than she had been moments ago. He had drawn Rosaly's attention to the fact that she hadn't been eating enough, and that made him really worried. She'd been running around, and eating seemed to be the last of her priorities, which wasn't right in Shawn's conception because proper eating was important for a healthy life.

He had served breakfast to Rosaly, but she had only drunk the coffee leaving aside the croissant he had brought. Shawn had asked her about it, and Rosaly had explained that a lot of tension left her without hunger, and he had wondered if that was all.

Shawn was pretty sure she was hiding something about the previous day's chase, and he planned to discover it all in a subtle way. Before he asked her any more questions, Rosaly had escaped to her room on the pretext of changing clothes.

She had returned moments later, leaving Shawn baffled by her appearance... He'd examined her from top to bottom, unable to restrain himself, and he'd wondered if Rosaly was as perfect naked as she was when she was dressed. He automatically recriminated himself for the inappropriate thought at that moment, but the problem was that Rosaly's presence always caused him unexpected reactions, and he was bombarded with millions of thoughts that drove him mad. He tried to forget his thoughts with great effort and said simply:

- You look beautiful. - He wanted to say thousands of other things to Rosaly, but he thought those words were enough for now, realizing with satisfaction that she appreciated the praise.

After that moment, he took her to work, and they didn't say a word all the way. Shawn had a lot on his mind, and organizing everything inside his head was a difficult process that required time and patience. It was only when she parked in front of work that Rosaly started talking:

- I want to thank you for helping me yesterday, and for offering me your apartment so I could spend the night. You were very generous to me, I'll never forget that. - he turned to her smiling:

- I'm glad I could help. I don't always get the chance to save pretty girls in trouble. - he loved to use humor when the situation allowed it, especially at that moment. Then she said goodbye, and he felt something inside him that he couldn't explain. He needed to kiss her, he had spent all the time she'd talked watching that delicious mouth he'd only tasted last night. Suddenly he said:

- Rosely, I think you forgot something.

What? She had asked him without understanding what he was talking about.

Then he kissed her as he had been wishing every morning and Rosaly didn't dodge the kiss, matching it with enthusiasm until they were short of breath. Shawn exclaimed impressed by her reaction.

- Wow! You really know how to surprise a man when you want to. - and she had responded by catching him totally off guard:

- And you know how to turn a woman on at that time in the morning. - Wow, that girl was unpredictable. She used her words in a way that left him not knowing what to say. After that, she just got out of the car, smiled goodbye, and got into the school, leaving him alone in the car smiling like an idiot remembering her little words.

Shawn went to work, but couldn't concentrate. Rosaly invaded his thoughts all the time. At lunchtime he couldn't take it anymore and called her. Rosaly answered the first ring.

- I called to check how you were doing.

- I'm fine. I finished my work at school early today, and I took the opportunity to stop by my house. - He couldn't believe he missed his chance to stay with her a little longer and asked a little angry:

- Why didn't you call me? I could have picked you up.

- It's not your job to be a driver for me. You have your own appointments, and I would never bother you for such nonsense. – she was always self-sufficient, Shawn thought. So he spoke in a way that left no doubt how important Rosaly was to him.

- Nothing that comes from you is nonsense to me. I want in on everything that has to do with you.

She'd been silent for a few seconds, then he heard her talk again:

- Thank you for caring about me, but is that the only reason you called?- in fact not even he knew why he would call, he just wanted to hear her voice, and then an idea came to him.

- Actually, I wanted to ask you if we could see each other tonight. Will you be busy?

- No, I won't be at the academy this week.

- Then we could go to my apartment again. What do you think?

- I think it's a good idea. - but then he'd explained that he couldn't pick her up because he'd be stuck at work until later. Rosaly had said she could go to his apartment alone. He didn't like the idea very much, thinking about the stalking she'd suffered in a short time, but she reassured him by saying:

- Stay calm, Shawn. I'll get a cab. - Breathing in relief at her words, he said he felt more reassured that way. So they said goodbye, and Shawn hung up feeling incredibly happy. He'd see her again that night, and who knew what could happen? With a smile on his face, he worked the rest of the day counting the minutes to finish.

Hi, I hope you can enjoy this part and tell me what you think. Sorry for any msitakes. Kisses.

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