Ode to 2019

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Ode to 2019

To you I raise my glass
Without you I wouldn't have done all the things

May, the concert on the day of
We ran and race to them and had the time of our life's

July 4-day
Hiding the pocket knife in brushes
Calling for ostrich
Cutting lines
Buying and buying
And singing off-key

My November moment when
it made me rethink about life in
general I never thought I would
make it but I push my way through

You went quick...whoosh!
One moment it was 2018 and next you
I didn't have a chance to blink and yet you went through like fast and furious

It been hectic but I manage through, surprisingly,
Lost my way at times but now I know.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for me next year
Maybe it will be better or worse but I know
You're make it worth it.

Poetry and WritingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora