Ode to 2015

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Thank you, 2015.

For helping me create memories

A year that I will never forget. Even

though Spring was so stressful.

With all the mid terms and the

exams I guessed on, finding a prom

dress that would go perfect on my body, 

a presentation on what we learned

during the years in high school.

Graduation day was the only time

I held my friends close with tears

falling down my cheeks

Summer of 2015

That was a cruel summer.

None of us own a car yet so,

we had to walk everywhere under that heat.

But the late hang out playing Mario 3D world, the

big gulp party, missing our bus to the mall and

the laughter between them all

was worth it.

Fall of 2015.

It was so nerve-racking, getting used to being an adult.

Paying for all the books, learning to balance school and

work schedule and finding a ride to school which was

as difficult as finding a spot in the never empty parking

lot. Making new friends with the same interest.

It made me a better adult.

Thank you, 2015.

Poetry and WritingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ