"So how come you show up again on the same day that lot do? The same minute!"

"They're looking for him, but they followed me. They saw me through the crack, got a fix, they're only late because I am".

"What's he on about?" Rory asked.

"Nurse boy, give me your phone", the Doctor told him.

"How can he be real? He was never real".

"Phone. Now. Give me".

Rory handed him the phone. "He was just a game. We were kids. You made me dress up as him".

"These photos, they're are all coma patients?" the Doctor asked as he flicked through the photos.

"Yeah", Rory answered.

"No, they're all the multiform. Eight comas, eight disguises for Prisoner Zero".

"He had a dog, though. There's a dog in a coma?" Amy asked.

"Well, the coma patient dreams he's walking a dog, Prisoner Zero gets a dog. Laptop! Your friend, what was his name? Not him, the good-looking one".

"Thanks", Rory said.

"Jeff", Amy told the Doctor.

"Oh, thanks", Rory repeated.

"He had a laptop in his bag. A laptop. Big bag, big laptop. I need Jeff's laptop. You two, get to the hospital. Get everyone out of that ward. Clear the whole floor. Phone me when you're done", the Doctor ordered. He grabbed Elise's hand and they started to run back to Mrs. Angelo's house. The Doctor entered the house and turned to Elise. "Stay down here", he told her.

She shook her head as she furrowed her little brows.

"I'll be right back", he said kissing her forehead. He ran up the stairs, leaving Elise in the living room.

The living room didn't look much different from a Timelord's living room. Maybe humans weren't that different from Timelords. They looked like them, but how similar was their culture?

Elise looked out the window at the blue sky. She'd miss the burnt orange color of Gallifrey. Before she could feel too sad, the Doctor came running down the stairs.

"C'mon", he told Elise.

They ran out the front door.

"Need to get to the hospital", he muttered. He spotted the abandoned fire engine and pulled her over to it. He climbed in the driver seat and placed Elise in his lap.

Luckily the firemen had left the keys in the ignition.

"Hold on", the Doctor told Elise as he put it in drive.

Rory's phone started ringing.

Elise pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to him.

"Amy?" he asked, "What? Look in the mirror. Don't worry, I've commandeered a vehicle". He reached up and turned the siren on.

Elise wondered what this thing was. What was its purpose?

Rory's phone started to ring again.

"Are you in?" he asked Amy, "You need to get out of there. Amy? Amy, what's happening? Amy, talk to me! Which window are you? Which window?"

Elise and the Doctor were quickly approaching the hospital. They pulled up to the right window and the Doctor sent Amy a text saying "Duck!" as the ladder extended. It went crashing through the window.

The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now