San's fingers found his lower lip and he rubbed the soft skin there, remembering the subtle taste of the alcohol that was stained on Wooyoung's mouth as he kissed him.

The contact was brief but lasted just long enough for the slick glide of Wooyoung's tongue across his top lip to be ingrained in his mind, making him shudder.

Wooyoung said that he was accepting his apology but what was his reason for kissing him?

Maybe he wanted to make him feel even more guilty than he already had? Like kissing him was his way of showing that he was a caring person and that San should feel worse to have said something like that to him.

San was definitely overthinking.

He couldn't make sense of the situation but was glad that he only had to see Wooyoung in the off chance that he was working when Yeo had a show.

Before his thoughts could spiral any further, he reached the building where Jongho said his training area was.

Once inside the lobby he followed signs to an elevator that led him to the top three floors. He recalled Jongho saying that the upper levels were his so he opted to go for the very top, the twenty third floor, to tell him he was here.

Next to the door was a small black glass panel that revealed numbers to input a code when you waved your hand over it. A tiny camera on top whirred and opened its lense as he pushed the doorbell that chimed on the other side of the door.

After a few moments, the clicking and sliding of the lock being undone on the other side revealed someone that San was not expecting to answer.

Wooyoung stood in the entryway of the door. A loose pair of gray sweatpants hung on his hips and slightly covered the white bunny slippers he wore. A red beanie held his purple hair back and out of his eyes, giving San a clear view of his features.

Did he have the right place? Also why was fate dealing him such a crappy hand lately?

Confused, San looked past Woo and into the apartment for signs of someone else.

"Uhh.. am I at the right place?" San asked.

Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders, not moving out of the way, "I don't know, are you?"

San sighed, exhausted of the sarcastic banter that had taken place between the two instead of normal, casual conversation.

"Does Jongho live here or not?" San huffed.

"He does!" Jongho faintly yelled from somewhere further in the apartment.

San pushed out his lips not really sure what to do next. Wooyoung was still standing in the doorway and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Woo can you take San to the training room? I'll be right down," Jong yelled again.

Wooyoung sighed and stepped into the hallway, brushing past San and toward the elevator, spinning around when he didn't hear the sound of following footsteps.

"Are you coming?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh," was all San said and walked over as the doors opened.

Lend You Broken Parts {A Woosan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now