Eclipse/Andrews: I'm Here, Little Ones!

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"Yes, and we want Finitevus alive. Can you or can you not control yourself sufficiently to guarantee that?" Tower questioned, and the watching captain shook his head slightly; surely this wasn't legit? Could the alien keep himself from killing someone? What world did he exist in where this was a question?

"...I can, sir," Eclipse answered, scowling darkly.

"Well, then, we don't have to wait for Shadow's return. You can depart with Spider Troupe immediately," the Commander replied, and the alien nodded sulkily.

"Half-troupe, right?" Andrews confirmed, straightening from where he'd let his posture go while watching the alien throw his mini-fit.

"Yes. With Eclipse, you shouldn't need any more," Tower responded, already returning his attention to the various emergencies and reports also demanding his input.

"Then we're on our way, sir. Eclipse," Andrews jerked his head at the smoldering weapon, heading for the hanger. The smaller alien had to trot after him to keep up, grinding his teeth at having been put in his place, and the human captain wondered once again why he was in charge of handling the weapon.

Commander Tower always had a reason for his orders, but Andrews couldn't see the advantage of Eclipse working with him. Wouldn't Topaz be a better choice for keeping the creation in line? He couldn't imagine the alien would have threatened the evil echidna's life if his best friend had been present.

But, he supposed it didn't matter. He was the captain of the mission, and he'd just have to keep the alien on a short lead.

It didn't take long for Andrews' best soldiers to meet him and the alien at the jet, and Andrews accepted his gear from Lodge with a nod, giving her a quick farewell; she would remain at G.U.N. to act in his absence and lead the other half of the troupe should an emergency arise. Eclipse's mood appeared to have improved, as the alien was studying the jet with evident curiosity, but Andrews wasn't sure if it would last. The creation wasn't all that unlike Shadow, and the hybrid's protective instincts weren't good news to anyone who got in his way.

Andrews was hoping Topaz was right, and Eclipse wasn't as much of a loose cannon as he appeared. The captain knew the alien was emotionally driven, and he had seen him switch between moods without warning. If Eclipse decided suddenly that he did want revenge on the evil scientist echidna, there wouldn't be much Andrews could do to stop him, short of shooting the creation.

Which he could do, but the Commander had been very clear when the alien first joined as a temporary agent that lethal measures were an absolute last resort. Not that Andrews believed any amount of bullets could actually put the weapon down, but he otherwise understood. The alien was trusting, and shooting him would shatter those rose-colored lenses.

Still, seeing how Eclipse had seethed earlier, Andrews didn't think the possibility was entirely out of the question--nothing was guaranteed with tamed monsters. Yet, even with the alien's temper, Andrews had a notably better chance of Eclipse following his orders than he did with Shadow. At least, he hoped.

Hope wasn't really Andrews' thing, but he sure was relying on it a lot today.

Andrews took a breath as his troupe boarded, then steeled himself and strode over to where Eclipse was still looking up at the jet with wonder--the alien's curiosity gave him an idea. He reached down and grasped the alien's upper arm, which surprised Eclipse somewhat; Andrews found himself on the receiving end of a confused golden stare.

"We're leaving, let's go," the red-haired captain ordered, tugging the alien along with him as he walked to the boarding stairs. He hoped the physical contact would remind the alien of who was supposed to be in charge here, much as it had when he had talked to Eclipse after Shadow's attempted kidnapping.

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