Shadow: The Calm and the Storm

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I sit quietly as our transport speeds down the road, unhindered by all but a few, lonely cars and trucks that also have somewhere to be in the dead of night. Eclipse, while initially fascinated by his glimpse of Mobian life, has fallen into slumber on the other side of Rouge, who started napping between us nearly the moment we departed.

I haven't slept. My mind has been turning incessantly, considering the mission, my comrades, and any potential scenarios I have to be prepared to face. While I'm not G.U.N.'s only Chaos Creature anymore, I'm by far the more experienced, so I'm likely going to be the tipping point in any dangerous situations that arise.

So, it's up to me to be entirely aware of my surroundings, able to react to most any crisis before it can harm the mission or the people who are depending on me. Eclipse being here will lift some of my burden, which I'm grateful for, but he's relatively untrained in dealing with human weapons, especially with his more pronounced vulnerabilities. He'll only be able to do so much against a direct attack before he's either overwhelmed or separated from the group, a problem that's not helped by his comparatively slower speed--while teleportation is a good alternative, too much of it will tire Eclipse out, only exacerbating the original problem.

I know why I'm going first, but he really would be better suited for infiltration. He's more stealthy than I am, and his senses are better. He has a lot of potential if he only gets more training. I sigh quietly, leaning my head back against the wall. I hope this mission isn't as bad as it could be, or we're going to be strained to keep it together. I know I was surprised that we were bringing 300 soldiers as back-up, but I'm starting to see the need for it. This enemy has already proven it's able to counteract Chaos Creatures...

For a moment, my chest tightens. There's no room for failure on this mission, especially on my part.

Is that why we brought Eclipse? To back up for me if something happens? I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly and resting my eyes.

I shouldn't be thinking like this. Eclipse and I both narrowly escaped capture once, but each time we were only taken because of surprise. We're the ones with that element now.

The reassuring effects of this thought are mitigated by my remembering that Eclipse was the reason I ever got out of my own kidnapping attempt. He's beaten this enemy twice, while I never have.

I'm going to change that today. I'm not losing. These bastards are about to see what the fully-cognitive, battle-ready Ultimate Lifeform can do. I snarl, baring my teeth in a silent promise. I've felt ashamed of my failure for long enough, and it's high time I crush it beneath a good, strong success. Let's see them try to take me down.

The thought isn't just bravado. I've been practicing blocking energy restraints with my powers; as long as they don't fasten onto me, they're nothing but projectiles. A carefully-wielded Chaos Spear or two will send them back on their way.

I've been working on blocking bullets, as well. I'd never bothered to learn a method before, being bulletproof myself, but the realization that Eclipse doesn't share that trait hit home that my invulnerability can't help other people stay protected. The most effective shield I've found so far is a wall of Chaos Fire, and I'm looking forward to using it against some very surprised opponents.

Eclipse shifts in his sleep, startling me out of my reprieve. I look at him, smiling slightly at how much he's grown. Not just physically, either; he's far more muscular and a good bit taller now, true, but he's also a stronger person. If he were a human, the change would be called 'becoming a man.'

He's nearing his adulthood, I observe, nodding to myself. I couldn't be more proud of how he's changed. I'm happy to see him becoming a hero. It's a dream come true.

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