Shadow: A Talk with Tower

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"Commander Tower, sir?" I ask, stepping through the doorway right on time. I was actually early, to make a good impression, but he does everything on the intended schedule. Thus, after waiting for a few minutes, I'm here, facing the man I so embarrassed myself in front of before.

I shake off the thought. It won't do to regret that again now.

"Agent Shadow. Sit down," he replies, mismatched eyes glancing up from his computer screen. I swallow, forcing down my lingering nerves and presenting a collected front to him as I walk across the room and hop into the proffered chair. It's common for me to stay standing, since human chairs aren't built for Mobians, but I'm not about to resist an order from him for the sake of my pride. At least, not this time, knowing I'm here for a good chastising.

"Eclipse was not, in fact, responsible for your missed detail," he begins, and I nod. I knew that already, so having it confirmed isn't that hard. "All of his physical signs were consistent and subdued during the time period, and it was confirmed he was sleeping. None of the machines monitoring mental activity reported anything, either, but I've put the team watching him on high alert, just in case. As for the detail itself, we've yet to determine the significance of the Chaos signals, which the detector's memory chip confirmed were there."

"Thank you for telling me, sir," I respond, waiting to see if he'll elaborate. He doesn't, instead studying me for a moment.

"I heard you made a speech at dinner last night," he says, sounding like he could be talking about the macaroni served as much as my information leak. The lack of anger unnerves me even more than if he were raging.

"Yes, sir," I reply. I consider bowing my head a bit, to show I regret it, but I decide the lack of eye contact would negate the gesture. I need to show him in other ways that I won't do it again.

"I assume you know that your course of action is hardly within guidelines," he says noncommittally.

"Yes, sir. With all due respect, Commander, the information was already out. I was doing my best to preserve the sensitive facts remaining. I understand that it was my decision, sir." I take a surreptitious deep breath, not liking having to act so subordinate. But, if I don't want to be sent back to my office with my tail between my legs, I need to own up to him. It was my choice to work here; I promised myself that I would the use the experience for humility.

"I'm aware of your reasons, Shadow." Hearing my name from him makes me want to shiver, reminded of the history that name has had with this man. When he adds a title, it seems innocuous, a business relationship, but when he speaks it by its own...

"Shadow." I jerk from my thoughts, masking as much of my physical reaction as I can. "Focus, if you will. I know the particulars of your action. What I want to know is, why go about it in the way you did?"

"What?" This question is not one I was expecting.

"Why put yourself in the position of breaking G.U.N.'s clear policy on classified information?"

"I..." My voice falters a bit, unsure. "I wanted to prevent Rouge and Topaz from being harrassed for details. I was focused on protecting them, and I forgot I was already in hot--er, that I had already caused problems that day."

"You seem to be forgetting a lot of things, lately," Tower observes, and I feel my eyes widening, horrified. He's right--I forgot again. Both of the problems I've had lately have stemmed from me forgetting. Memories were all that I had for the longest time, and, to think I might be losing them...!

"Shadow, calm yourself." Tower's voice cuts through my alarm, and I realize I had been starting to shake, hands clenched into fists in horror. "I've consulted with our resident scientists and psychologists."

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