Darkness Falls

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Clarke's power was nothing compared to that of the Sith and she certainly had no delusions that a direct attack would be nothing short of a suicide attempt. There were however other ways that she could interfere with his plans. 

Whilst the two siblings were engaged in an intense battle, an opportunity arose as a force wave threw the Sith Lord further away from the unguarded holocron, Kaan's face contorting into a hateful snarl as he blocked the flurry of blows that the Jedi advanced with in quick succession. She was fighting with a ferocity that Clarke hadn't witnessed before, the light glow of the lightsabres highlighting the merciless expression shared by the two siblings. This was no minor skirmish. 

As unsettling as it was to witness the destructive conflict that was unfolding, Clarke tore her eyes away from them and headed for the holocron. If Kaan needed the artefact for his plan then she would make damn well sure that it was destroyed. 

Her fingers were tight around the blaster as she neared the dark object, almost within a comfortable range to shoot the pyramidal device into a thousand pieces. She had no idea if it would work but it was worth a shot, without it they might just be able to defeat the vile Sith. 

The Sith caught a downward strike with his blood red sabre, the two blades locking together in a struggle of power when his dark eyes darted towards the blonde, the movement just on the edge of his peripheral vision vying for his attention. 

An unintelligible growl split through the hum of light sabres as he threw every ounce of effort up at the offending Jedi, utilising the Force to empower him further, propelling her back far across the room, giving him the split second he needed to deal with this new threat. 

Clarke gritted her teeth and fired the blaster, her aim true and accurate as she released several shots at the holocron. In a blur of motion the Sith leapt towards the precious artefact, barely making it in time to deflect the energy bolts harmlessly to the side. 

'You should have left whilst you had the chance,' sneered Kaan, flicking his lightsabre with expert precision as he advanced towards the blonde. 'It would seem that your usefulness has expired.  You're nothing but a hindrance to me now.'

Clarke stumbled backwards a few steps, knowing that her blaster was of no use against his sabre. A swipe of his hand easily ripped the weapon from her grip and sent it skittering far across the floor with a harsh clatter.  

'Enough Kaan,' his sister interjected, crossing the open space to regain his attention. 'This has gone on long enough.'

Kaan paused and flashed a malicious grin at his guests. The dramatics of this encounter were becoming tiresome. It was time to conclude the event once and for all. 

'You're right about that.'

He turned slowly away, as if pondering some matter deeply, apparently not concerned about his vulnerability. His confidence held no bounds, for he was so certain of his victory. 

'You will join the dark side whether you like it or not,' he continued, finally turning away from the Holocron to address the room. 'Now, observe what real power looks like.'

Without delay, he threw his arms forward, a cascade of electricity shooting from his fingertips to strike the Jedi, a harsh cry ripping from her lips as the sabre dropped from her grip. It was excruciating, a fire dancing over every inch of her skin, enveloping her very being. 

Clarke looked on in horror, unable to do anything to intervene. The only glimmer of light was the knowledge that Kaan did not want to kill his sister, but it was still heart wrenching to witness the agonising brutality of the dark side. 

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