Going Out With A Bang

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Lexa sat cross legged in the quiet confines of her cell and to an untrained eye it would not appear that anything was happening. To someone more accustomed to the ways of a Jedi, they would know that there was in fact a lot happening. 

She was casting her focus inwards, gathering the force, nurturing it, readying herself for the imminent battle. Simultaneously she reached out and took note of the beings present on the ship, surprised to find that the number was towards the lower end. Even out side of the ship there appeared to be only a handful of guards. She guessed that must have been Clarke's doing. Smart. 

The screech of alarms warning of imminent destruction did not disrupt her concentration and when it finally cut short half way through an announcement, Lexa was ready. 

Her eyes snapped open in time to see the glimmering barrier vanish out of existence, leaving the Jedi free to reclaim her ship. She directed the Force into her wrists and arms, channelling it to provide her with unnatural strength. 

These cuffs may have held a normal being in its grip, but Lexa was of the extraordinary kind and in a matter of seconds she pulled her arms apart with immense strength, severing the cuffs which fell to the ground with a clatter. 

It was an unexpected sight for the three guards that had charged straight to the holding cell, not prepared to see the Jedi stood calmly in the open cell, remnants of the cuffs at her feet. 

Their plan had been simple. Shock the Jedi with the cuffs, make sure that she wouldn't be causing them any more trouble. That plan had quickly fallen through. 

The guards proved to be no challenge to the Jedi, and in a matter of moments they were lying in an unconscious heap on the ground after a rather forceful collision with the far wall.  

Lexa exited the holding cells and took check of her surroundings in search of any more danger but her crew had already dealt with the other four guards who were now taking the role of prisoner. They cowered on the metal floor, hands behind their head as they muttered about mercy and doing the right thing. 

NOVA was looking over the handrail at the top of the stairs, pleased to see that the escape was a success. 

'I'll have the power restored at once Commander!' he chirped, about to retreat back into the cockpit before remembering the unwanted guest who was contained within. 'Ah, if someone could accompany me to take the chief guard into custody?'

Cal didn't need asking twice and struck the guard kneeling in front of him sharply around the head, ascending the stairs to help the droid, leaving the unconscious man in a slump on the ground. 

'Put them in a holding cell,' Lexa instructed, taking a step back as the defeated guards were marched past her.  

The Jedi retrieved her lightsaber from the lockbox as Toril returned to grab the unconscious man under the arms and drag him to the cell. 

'What now?' Sharr asked softly, returning to the lower deck as the lights flickered to life once more and signalled the return of the barrier that would safely contain the guards. 

The rest of the crew emerged from the cells and gathered on the lower deck. 

'Now we get the hell out of here,' Cal suggested, reclaiming his weapon and holstering it at his waist. 'Before Janos sends any more of his men after us.'

Nods of agreement circulated throughout the crew members, who were ready to finally leave this crime riddled planet far behind them and never look back, but Lexa had other ideas. 

'You'll take the ship into orbit whilst you find a safer place to land, somewhere Janos will not find you.'

'Are you not coming with us Commander?' NOVA asked as he and Cal returned from restoring the power. 

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