She's Special

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We are entering the Coruscant airspace and will be landing shortly.

The sudden noise from intercom succeeded in rousing the smugglers from their slumber in the medbay. 

Bellamy scowled up at the ceiling as the intercom fizzled into silence, blinking away the remnants of a surprisingly deep sleep. 

'Does that droid's voice have to haunt my dreams as well as my waking days,' he muttered, having received the frosty welcome from the droid upon waking startled to find the glowing eyes staring at him from the doorway as he had checked on the guests. 

Clarke huffed in response and threw her legs over the edge of the bed and looked at the irritated man. 

'You get used to the attitude,' she remarked, already familiar with the droid's unsettling way of treating unwelcome guests. There was no doubting it's intelligence, but it's social interaction certainly required some improvement. 

Clarke was wide awake despite not catching even a few moments of sleep during their journey back to Coruscant. She had spent a considerable amount of time in Lexa's accommodation listening intently to the intricate past that weighed heavy on the young Jedi's shoulders. 

It was rare to see such moments of vulnerability in a Jedi, but Clarke had seen the glimmer of pain as Lexa had revealed her capture by the Sith and the confession that her brother was one of the enemy.

What role Clarke had to play in any of this was a mystery, but she was pleasantly surprised that the Jedi had trusted her enough to reveal such personal information, despite all the misgivings previously held between them. 

'Where did you slope off to earlier? Don't think I didn't notice you sneaking back,' Bellamy pressed, his annoyance forgotten as he focused on his friend. Curiosity lit his gaze as he sat up to mirror Clarke's position, his jacket collar unknowingly half raised after a night of tossing and turning in the alien environment. 

Clarke smirked at the sight and stood to take a step towards him. 

'Maybe you should pay more attention to yourself before you start rudely inquiring about other people's business.'

The dark haired man frowned at the mocking comment, replaced with a narrowing of the eyes as Clarke reached out and flattened the collar with a firm pat. 

'You're very welcome, now lets go and see what's going on.'

The two smugglers emerged from the med bay to see the crew already present near the exit, manoeuvring storage boxes out of their way as a low hum of conversation passed between them. 

'Well that was quite the eventful end to my time here,' the Natolan was saying, though Clarke very much doubted that this had been the most unusual mission that they had encountered over the years. 

'To end your time?' she broke in, drawing all eyes to the unnoticed smugglers.

'Indeed, that was my last mission. I've been with the Commander for two years now and its time for me to return to my lady and save her having to worry about my reckless behaviour.'

A large smile lit his expression even as he spoke of returning home.

'We're going to the cantina for a few send off drinks if you want to join us?' Sharr offered, her elbows resting on one of the storage crates. 'I think you deserve a drink after the past few days.'

Clarke opened her mouth to find the words, her focus captured instead as Lexa began to descend the stairs from the upper floor. 

'Uhh, I don't think so. This is your celebration.'

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