On The Run

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^Bounty Hunter

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^Bounty Hunter


Clarke emerged into the empty back alley that ran behind the cantina. The lack of people around did nothing to diminish the unease that she felt in doing this. 

No witnesses, no crime. That was the unsaid motto on the lower levels of Coruscant. It was just how things worked in such a lawless place. 

It was rare for her to be apprehensive in the face of danger but in this circumstance, with no weapons on hand, it would be foolish to ignore the odds of a successful encounter with the bounty hunter. 

She did not have the Jedi's ability to sense the hunters position and had to rely solely on her own instincts to guide her. 

Upon reaching the end of the alley she found herself at an intersection of smaller streets, all seemingly abandoned, and swiftly took the one on the right as if she had an intended route to follow. It was the motion of turning the corner that allowed her to glimpse the figure emerging from the cantina to pursue their target. 

By all accounts they were not being subtle about their intentions, believing an easy victory to be at hand. Little did they know how wrong they were. Clarke turned down another street, this one on her left, and turned to make a stand. It would be pointless to run. 

The hunter appeared around the side of the old building a few seconds later, a wry smile lifting his lips when he saw what awaited him. 

'Do you think yourself brave human?' he hissed with a dark sneer, stopping a few metres away where he pulled free the double edged blade from its sheath. 

Clarke did not recognise the reptilian species, but he appeared to be humanoid in a sense. The thick, leathery, brown skin almost appeared to blend with the dark tinted eyes that receded into its skull. The lipless face was adorned with a frill on either cheek, a ragged scar ripping it's way from the left cheek bone beyond the curvature of his chin. 

This was clearly an individual who had seen more than his share of action. 

'Nothing to say?' he went on, tipping his head to the side to observe the bounty. 'How tedious. At least make it entertaining and try to run.'

Clarke had no intention of doing such a thing. 

'It's not me you should be concerned with,' she hinted, looking pointedly at something over his shoulder. He glanced back cautiously to see the Jedi standing ominously at the end of the street and it was in that moment of hesitation that Clarke made her move. 

She launched herself forward with a powerful leap and slammed the unsuspecting hunter to the ground, taking possession of the weapon in a single motion as she positioned one knee firmly on his chest whilst bringing the blade up to press against his unprotected throat. It was over with such speed that he had no time to make a sound, choosing wisely to lie still when it became clear that he had been bested. 

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