F I F T E E N ∘ Just Deserts

Start from the beginning

"I know how it feels to lose a baby." Esme wrapped her hand around mine.

My mouth formed a small 'o.' I did not expect her to be that open with me. "I didn't lose him," I whispered, squeezing her tiny fist. "The complications were just with me, not him. Most of it is blurry, but... I was a hybrid when I woke up. His father's immortal blood was passed down to him, so it was in my system when I died."

"Immortal?" Carlisle moved to sit next to his wife.

"My husband is a hybrid, too. Only a different breed. He doesn't have any witch in him. Just the other two." They were on the edge of their seat. There was no perfect way to say it, so I just blurted it out. "He's half-werewolf and half-vampire... Which makes our son all three."

"So your other half is werewolf," Emmett assumed.

"No. Vampire. That's how I can't stay dead. Werewolves aren't immortal."

"Okay, the witch thing—" he started.



"I wasn't born with my own power. I could only siphon power from things that had magic. And it was only temporary. The strength of whatever I siphoned determined how powerful I was at a given time... I was an abomination to my family. That's why my mother left me. My dad raised me as a human, and I didn't know what I was until I was four, after she died. That's when my powers started breaking out. After I died that night and became a vampire, I was able to constantly siphon off of myself, my vampire blood. We vamp-witch hybrids, we're called heretics."

"'We'?" Edward caught. "How many are there?"

"There's only one more left alive apart from me. Her name is Valerie Tulle. One of my best friends back home killed the most recent one, Kai, for being a sociopath. He killed my coven three years ago."

"He killed your entire coven by himself?"

"Not by hand. He merged with his brother, then killed himself. Being the leader, it killed them all. He came back to life as a heretic."

"How did he turn? Do all siphons that die come back as one?"

"No. For someone to come back in transition, they had to have died with vampire blood in their system. The guy that finally killed Kai, his name is Damon Salvatore. Damon's mother, Lily, turned all of the other heretics, including Kai and Val. There were more between them. I'm the only one out of them all that she didn't turn."

That was probably a lot of information to get in just a few minutes. I gave them a moment to process.

Rosalie spoke up with a hopeful voice. "What happened to your son?"

The question confused me, but I answered anyway. "I raised him with my husband and his family. He's still alive. They all are." Except for one...

"Where are they?"

This one stumped me. "I don't have an answer. I don't even know where I am."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle wondered.

"This town isn't familiar to me at all. I was on the run from my husband. He had found me and was chasing me through the woods. The next thing I knew, Griffith brought me here. I remember seeing your house, but I ran off when I heard something."

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