[4]-Hi, I'll be your guide, your G-U-I-D-E for the Tour.

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I do not own The Maze Runner or any of its characters.

Alby: *talking to Newt* And they were ROOMMATES!
Lauren: *walking past* Oh my gosh they were roommates.


I was being shaken awake. Again. I was asleep, peacefully, and I was being shaken awake.

"Lauren, get up." It was Newt. Poor, poor Newt.

"Let. Me. Sleep. Or I will punch you in the nose." I turned over.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Come on, get up."

I pulled the blankets up over my head. "Newt, my hair isn't even brushed and I have dragon breath. Leave, let me freshen up, and I'll meet you outside."

"No, you won't. Stand up and then I'll leave." Newt saw through me. Finch.

I slowly stood up and faced Newt. "You are the worst human being in the entire Glade. The sun isn't even awake and you decided I needed to be? Why?" I had a headache too, and this early morning wake-up was doing nothing for it. 

"Every Greenie goes through this. Come on, let's go."

Newt let me brush my hair, and then he led me to a Maze door.

"Is this against the rules?" I whispered, thinking that I was going to get in trouble for our outing.

"Hush. Look." He parted the ivy that covered the grey walls. Underneath it, there was a window that showed a view into the maze.

I stood there waiting for a least 10 minutes shivering before whatever we were here for showed up. It was hideous. It had a pulsating body, covered with goo. It was a little larger than a cow and looked like it could take about 500 hundred of them. The long metal legs looked deadly, and it made a whirr, click sound as it moved past. I stumbled back a few steps. But for some reason, I thought I could take it on.

"Is- it- is it real?" I stuttered.

"Yup." Newt looked slightly scared at the sight, but he didn't walk back.

"Oh wow. That's a Greiver, right?"

Newt looked at me. "Yeah. How do you know that?"

"I-I just heard someone talk about them." I lied. How did I know that?

We stayed there for a bit, Newt giving me pointless warnings as to not go in there, then we walked back. I went back to my room, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. But, for the first time, I didn't. I was too shaken by my first encounter with a Greiver. Or was it my first encounter? I didn't know, and it scared me.

By sunrise, I knew I wasn't getting any more sleep. I got up, packed my bathroom stuff in my backpack, and slipped into the quiet Glade. Heading to the bathrooms, I checked to make sure no one was in there. Then I hurriedly got ready for the day, still not wanting to lock the singular door. 

Alby was waiting for me when I got out.

"Is the Tour starting now?"

"No. Get some breakfast then meet me at the Box." Alby walked off.

I did not get his hatred of me. I made one not-so-great impression, and he writes me off. I intended to do my best at the Tour to make him see that I wasn't a bad person. I didn't need to get on the wrong side of the leader.

So, after getting breakfast, I headed to what I assumed was "the Box."

"Tour starts now. No questions till the end." Alby stated. I just nodded. "This is the Box. Once a month a Greenie comes up, and every week supplies come up. Always has been, always will be. Never fails. And it's always a guy. Until you. Ain't needin' a whole lot of supplies. We make most of it ourselves."

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