[5]-I Smack People With My Hammer

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I do not own The Maze Runner or any of its characters.

Abra: *deadpan* Everyone dies. You either kill yourself or get killed. What are you going to do?
Lauren: *visible confusion*


Sleep, wake up, repeat. Only this time, I was happy to wake up. Today I was working with the Cooks.

My mood must have been evident on my face because Peter spotted it quickly at breakfast.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked.

"I, Lauren-" I stopped. I didn't remember my last name. I just thought of the first one that popped into my head. "Starell, am actually happy to work with a Keeper today. I'm working with the Cooks today. And I'm excited."

"Lauren Starell? You remember your last name?" Peter all but screamed. Everyone looked at our table. Murmurs were heard all across the guys.


"No one else remembers their last name."

"Told you, she's special."

In a couple of seconds, Newt walked over to our table.

"Greenie, let's take a walk." I followed him with a glare shot at Peter. He just looked confused.

"Newt, I-" He stopped me.

"Do you remember anything else about your past?" He said every word deliberately. 

"I, um, can read people?" I tried to remember anything else. But I didn't feel like telling Newt about how I knew what a Griever was.


"Nothing else. Newt, I just made that last name up. Peter was being an idiot and thought it was real."

Newt sighed. He wasn't happy about the lack of info. "You remember anything, you come to tell Alby or me. We need every bloody piece of information we can get." He walked off back towards the Kitchen, and I followed regretfully. I didn't want to go back, but since I was going to work with Frypan, I had to.

I walked to the Kitchen to start my day.

"Hey, Frypan!" I put on a fake smile.

"Lauren! You ready?" Frypan seemed unfazed with the events of what happened outside. This situation was good. I didn't want to answer any more questions.

"Yup! What are we doing first?"

"We're washing dishes and then starting on-"

Frypan showed me around the Kitchen, telling me where he kept all of his materials, and I was introduced to Jim, one of his helpers that I was going to work with. When Frypan told me I was in charge of making lunch, I felt honored for some odd reason. It made sense afterward when Jim said that Frypan only let a tiny amount people take charge of the meals.

I got to be petty when I served at lunch, as I just so 'happened' to drop Zeus's brownie on the ground. It felt good.

"Whoops. Sorry about that." I said unemotionally.

"Really?" He asked.

"Keep it moving; we got other people to serve." Frypan showed up at the window.

The rest of the day went by smoothly after that. Zeus and his two friends didn't show up for dinner, so all was right in the world.

After saying goodbye to Frypan and having him tell me he planned to get me to be a Cook, I had forgotten entirely about the events of this morning.

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