[0.2]-Rioting Memories

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She's lying. She's very good at it, I'll give her that, but I'm better at reading the signs.

The ever-so-slight shift in her feet, the way her gaze flickers to the wall behind me for just a millisecond, and how she does a little exhale after she's finished speaking. I've got her pinned down.

Well, Ms. Ava, good game. She's one of the tougher ones to decipher.

I had put my skills into fair use in the Glen. Some of the ladies I was less popular with nicknamed me 'The Blonde Baddie.' Whenever Harriet or Sonya suspected a girl was lying, they would sit me down with them where we held our Gatherings. Some of them took longer than others; I always got the truth.

I guess I must have been staring too long at her—getting lost in my memories that I know I will never experience again—because Ava looks down at my food and clears her throat.

"Well, let's get you cleaned up." She shepherds me into the bathroom to take a shower then leads me down a never-ending maze of white halls. We finally reach a point that looks like everywhere else we had been, and she whispers to a guard stationed by a door.

The man nods once and takes off, leaving Ava and me in uncomfortable silence.

My brain feels like someone hopped it up on some of Beth's special drink. I wanted to yell at Ava for taking me out of the Glen, lying to me about how I went, because why, and wanting to scream until she put me back. But I stood there, silently fuming. I knew I would be able to do something sometime, but right now, wasn't it.

The guard comes back with two people that couldn't be much older than me. Both with hair was as dark as night, and the boy looked like his brain went a million miles a minute. I could tell by his eyes. There's always something inside them that will tell you a lot about the person. And his was unbridled curiosity.

The girl was beautiful, with skin about as white as the walls and blue eyes that made me jealous of my brown ones. She was studying me as much as I was her. There was something about Blue-Eyes that just made me want to walk down the hallways back to my room.

There were a lot of somethings about her that put me on edge. I'll have to figure out why. 

"These are some of our top scientists here, Thomas and Theresa." Ava introduces.

"Hi! I'm Lauren." I stuck out my hand, attempting at some politeness. Thomas shook it, and then Teresa finally did. The urge to leave was getting stronger.

Ava finally interrupted the awkward silence. "Thomas, Teresa, Lauren here is going to follow you around for a little while. Please give her a tour of the facilities, and a guard will come by later to pick her up. Probably at your camera room."

I watched as she left, wishing I could go with her. Among everyone in our little group, the person I wanted to be with the most was the guard. And he had a gun in his hands.

"Let's show you around then," Thomas says after Ava's abrupt departure.


The first thing Thomas showed me was a lab, with lots of people around computer screens. I look around, trying to figure out if I can see anyone remotely familiar.

While Thomas was doing a pretty shoddy job of taking me around the WICKED facility, I had let my mind wander. And after a couple of minutes, I started to realize that I could remember more than what I knew in the Glen. I had my memories back.

After being without them for more than two years, I wanted to cry. I could remember my mom and dad, and my childhood. I couldn't tell you how many times I had wished for just a crumb of memories, and having them all back was glorious. And terribly heartbreaking. 

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