2X08: Rose- Part 4

Start from the beginning

"Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere 3 hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina," Elijah informs, "Do you have her in you possession?" He finally asks.

"No. I have better. I have her doppelgänger. And an old friend of yours I'm sure you will be very surprised to see again," Rose doesn't give away my name, thank goodness.

"That's impossible. Her family line ended with her," Elijah chooses only to elaborate on one part of what she said, "I know that for a fact."

"The facts are wrong."

"Well, show her to me. And this other person you speak of."

"Elijah, you're a man of honor. You're to be trusted, but I want to hear you say it again," Rose wants insurance.

"You have my word that I will pardon you."
Ah, I almost missed that catch phrase of his.

"Follow me," Rose starts walking again.

Elena is pacing which is getting on my nerves, but stops as they enter. As soon as Elijah comes into sight I stand up. I look up at him, lips parted, eyes filled with wonder. He takes a moment to look at Elena and then his wyes widen when he sees me, like he has seen a ghost. He speeds over to us and stops in front of Elena first. His face is very serious. Elena is practically dripping with fear. Me? I am just waiting to see what happens next. Elijah slowly leans down to Elena's neck and takes a whiff.

"Human," Is all he says, "It's impossible. Hello there," He smiles at her. He then turns to me. "Ahh, Mystal, it has been far to long," He steps over and grabs my hand to bring it up to his lips and kisses it.

About anyone else would've gotten slapped, but since it was him I just let it happen. Ha, like I had a choice.

"Hello, Elijah. It's been... not long enough? Eh? Or too long?" I reply calmly.

Elena looks at me questioningly. I bet she thinks this is my ex-husband. Well he is not, he is more like a brother to me, even though I already have 2, what's 3?

"Well, we have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going," Elijah smiles. I guess further discussion will have to wait.

"Please, don't let him take us," Elena starts to tear up.

Girl I have been taken by far worse.

"One last piece of business," Elijah speaks before anyone else can, "Then we're done."

He walks over to Trevor.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah," Trevor starts off, "I'm truly very sorry."

"Oh, no, your apology's not necessary." I raise an eyebrow at Elijah's words.

"Yes. Yes, it is," Trevor insists, "You trusted me with Katerina... and I failed you." Rose has that 'oh fuck' look.

"Oh, yes, you are the guilty one, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you," Elijah says calmly while pacing. He constitutes, "That, I honor. Where was your loyalty?" Elijah's voice goes soft as he stops in front of Trevor.

"I beg for your forgiveness," Trevor starts to tear up.

"So granted," Elijah says.

Trevor smiles for .2 seconds before so ever quickly Elijah cuts Trevor's head off with merely his hand. I am actually taken a back for a second. Rose let's out this gasping-choke noise and grabs her chest as she leans over. Trevor's body falls to the ground. Elena covers up her mouth. Can't say I'm too surprised, should've saw that coming sooner actually.

"You-" Rose starts through tears.

"Don't, Rose..." Elijah stops her from doing anything rash. Rose starts crying hard.

"Now that you are free," He tells her, "Come," He then motions for Elena and I.

I start to take a step toward him. He just hacked off Trevor's head, I was not gonna argue.

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena rushes out.

"Damn it," I mutter. ELENA!!!

"What do you know about the moonstone?" He steps closer to us.

"I know that you need it, and I know where it is," Elena says with confidence.

Shut up Elena, I scold her in my head.

"Yes," Elijah pushes further. He looks at me for a moment. I give him a 'don't try me' look.

"We can help you get it," She says. I glare at her. No, bad time to include me.

"Tell me where it is," Elijah simply states.

"It doesn't work that way," She stands up to him. I face palm.

Elijah sighs, "Are you negotiating with me?" He asks her, very amused and turns to Rose.

"It's the first I've heard of it," Rose speaks up.

Elijah turns back around. He tries to compel her but pauses. "What is this vervain doing around your neck?"

Why am I not surprised? She dates, dated, Stefan after all. Elijah yanks off her necklace and she gasps. He throws it across the room and grabs her head, she tries to turn away. She puts up a good fight, I will try to give her that.

"Tell me where the moonstone is," Elijah compels this time.

"In the tomb underneath the church ruins," Elena answers back.

"What is it doing there?" Elijah compels further. .  

"It's with Katherine," She tells him.


"WHAT?!!!!" I scream, "She is suppose to be dead right now!!! How the hell do I not know this? A girl has a little fun at a ball, gets kidnapped, and BAM, you get out of the loop!!" I yell, fuming. Elijah looks at me, very amused.

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