6: Moss grows on the northside of trees (in the northern hemisphere, mostly)

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Callia's first question of the day ("Good morning, Alpha Kenan, have you revised your strategy, or are we going in with the usual plan?") is met with a firm 'no'. From this, she knows the following meeting will proceed in the usual stiff manner.

Gamma Rosena gives her a sympathetic look whilst Beta Johnson continues trying to live up to his boss' standards by sneering at her. She ignores both of them and lets the Alpha enter the conference room first, allowing him to show off his bad manners.

He settles by the far end of the table, not caring to acknowledge the Silver Dust leaders that he's chosen to sit away from. Once again, his lackeys sit on either side of him and Callia joins them but not as closely, attempting to bridge the gap between the two groups.

She opens the briefing file and motions for Agatha to go forwards with laying out the situation. "For financial motivations and willful endangerment of a pack member, Silver Dust reclaims reparations from the Half-Formed Mountain pack. They ask that the driver pay for the healers of the injured and pay the injured his salary during his convalescence."

"Reclamation received and acknowledged. For wrongful claims, Half-Formed Mountain rejects demands of reparations."

"Revendications received and acknowledged." Agatha turns to the Alpha of Silver Dust. "Has Silver Dust a counter-offer?"


"Alpha Kenan, do you have a counter offer?"

"We refuse to pay for an accident!"

"Sir Alpha Kenan" commences diplomatically Callia's coworker, losing patience with every word she pronounces "we have to come to a comprise if we want to avoid court!"

"If I may make a suggestion..." Gamma Rosena drifts off as his Alpha's glare lands on him. Seeing this, Callia encourages the nicer wolf with a smile, which encourages him to continue. "Perhaps we could pay the fees for one or the other, rather than both."

At this, the Beta of Silver Dust interjects, his voice so loud and angry, that he could be roaring: "This is outrageous! Callia, how can you let them get away with nearly killing your mate?!"

Callia looks at her ex-Beta, dazed. "My mate?"

Her coworker looks at her with concern. "You didn't read the other part of the file, did you?"

"Only looked at the injuries, not the name. Good Moons, I feel dizzy. Please excuse me." Callia stumbles out of the conference room, barely aware of her surroundings. Her mate is in the hospital? Injured? And there is that internal bleeding Mona called about. Oh, Moons.

She is conflicted: run to the mate who turned her away in a time of need or do her duty as an investigator, and betray him.

"Callia, are you alright?" Mona stops her employee and looks her over. "What is the matter?"

"I think I have a conflict of interest."

"That's not a problem. I can pull you from the case." A pause. "Sit down: you're about to pass out. Do you need a day off?"

"Why do you ignore Agatha? She loves you."

"She relies too heavily on my approbation. Look, go sit in the break room, have a muffin, a coffee and go home."


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