Deicinueve {19}

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Ok... so I went through and reread what I've written, and oh my gods, were there places that did not make sense... I am sorry about that. I'll try to be better about going through and editing my stuff.


You will hate me after this chapter.


After the discovery of Keith's transformation, which they don't know how to stop, and Lance becoming physically non-binary. Though he preferred being referred to as a boy. Pidge asked. Everything slipped into a new normal.

Keith and Lance were inseparable. Pidge would call them Klance and shout that she shipped it. Hunk, Shiro and Allura did as well, the humans having to explain to Allura what shipping was, but kept it mild or unnoticeable.

AKA, Allura would shriek with Pidge everytime they did some cute couple thing. Hunk and Shiro just looking at them internally doing the same, or give the boys approving smiles.

When Keith and Lance's first date came, it was definitely a suprise for Lance how well it was planned out. Keith had set up a picnic dinner in the observatory in candlelight with some of Lance's favorites for dinner. Including Space Meatloaf Enchiladas, which Hunk had figured out how to make while they were gone AND were surprisingly good.

Afterward Keith took Lance to a little room with a projection screen and a stario. They danced until Lance wanted to stop, then laid down and watched a Spiderman: Homecoming and Deadpool, which had somehow ended up in space.

The topic of Spideypool obviously got brought up. Both agreed it was an adorable ship. They laughed about theories of Tony reacting to Peter and Wade dating. A lot ended up with DP either being chased off by Tony or missing a limb or two.

That lead to Spiderson and Irondad discussions. Which lead to Stony vs Pepperony. Then Stucky vs Stony. Then Romanogers vs Pepperony. It was a long night of talking about ships to keep it simple.

Of course they were spied on by the other Paladins and Allura, who were either almost deaf or had sore throats by the end of the night. Because they were just too quiznacking cute, gods dam it!

Pidge and Allura had stayed at Keith's, which was now more Keith and Lance's, bedroom door almost all night afterwards waiting to hear if anything interesting happened. Pidge grumbling about how Keith had removed her camera and mic from his room.

Though the pair did eventual do SOMETHING, it was not in that room, turns out Pidge didn't bug every room in the Castle.

Don't worry, they didn't do it in her room. That's just rude.

Shiro was disappointed in both of the girls for spying when he found out.

Which happened a week after the date...

This became kind of a routine during Keith and Lance's next two dates, which were as many as the busy life of a Paladin would allowed. The Paladins spying on them on both dates, and Pidge and Allura pulling an all nighter in case they did it.

Because, yes, these girls did want to know every fucking detail of the relationship. We have our fangirl reps.

Coran, somehow remained completely oblivious to Keith and Lance's relationship. At least until Shiro told him they were a couple when he asked why Allura and Pidge refured to the two as Klance. How did he not know? No one fucking knew. I don't fucking know, and I'm the author! The couple certainly weren't afraid of a little PDA, nothing more than hugs and kisses though, there was a looong talk when Shiro found them getting a little more heated in the living room, but it was obvious that they were a thing.

The boys didn't really care who knew or didn't know, but their relationship wasn't common knowledge either. They'd found out there were quite a few species of aliens that were pretty homophobic. Allura also didn't want to give the Galra a reason to single out Keith and Lance. So on missions they settled for just sticking close together and PDA that could passed off as platonic, small hugs that kinda thing.

The boys' conditions weren't exactly made public either. Lance's because he didn't want it to be, and to be completely honest who could blame him? Keith's because he was turning Galra. A bunch of the coalition members didn't trust the Blade. So the news Voltron had a half Galra Paladin wouldn't be recieved well. So they kept Keith's Galra heritage to themselves as they always had.

Luckily, Keith's external change seemed to have stopped before it could do more than add a mark to his face that could pass off as a scar, the rest could be hiden under his armor. Though his internal change, including but limited to stronger bones, extra bones, new organs, and the strengthening of his appendix, the organ that lets you to eat raw meat, was speeding up. Causing the Red Paladin some pain, but nothing extreme. It was comparable to growing pains.

So, yeah, life in the Castle had changed. In a very weird, very unexpected way for the Paladins and Alteans. It did change them for the better they like to think.


That was until they took their chance to defeat the Galra Empire.

The battle was long and difficult, but they prevailed.

Though victory came with two costs.

Costs that crippled the team.

One made them leaderless.

The other? The other just wasn't fair.

To one Paladin in particular more than the others...

Does this annoy you?

Yeah it annoys me too, but it does build tension and suspense.

"Hello little Red... it's nice to have you back with us again..."


Dun dun duuunnnn!!!

Hey guys so I'm gonna end this story here.

Sorry bye.

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