Enter Grimm Cinder

Start from the beginning

Ruby could hear everything that was going on from the room she was in as she looked around for something heavy to bash the door in with, she needed to help Derek and fast.

Derek struggled as he kicked trying to get the Grimm to let him go, he then bite's Cinder's hand hard enough to where it started bleeding.

Grimm Cinder yelled in pain as she dropped Derek and glared at him, as she was about the use attack him Ruby bust the door down and kicks Cinder to the floor.

"Take that." Ruby said as she helped Derek up. "Are you okay?"

Derek nods as he looked to see that Cinder was gone. "I think our Grimm pal made a run for it, plus I need to clean my mouth out, I bit her hand."

Ruby looks around. "Seems you had fun without me." She then walks over to the wall that was dented in and saw light coming from it. "Derek look at this."

Derek headed over to where Ruby was and saw the light as well. "Hmm.....think it could be a secret room, probably where Cinder came from."

Ruby shrugs and bashes the wall down, her jaw drops as what was on the other side of the wall surprised her. "Is that.....a boy?"

Derek looked and covers Ruby's eyes. "Yes, seems it's one of Geno's experiments, but why leave him here though?"

Ruby pouts. "Uncover my eyes, I know what body parts boys have that girls don't."

Derek sighs and does so. "Come on we better go, the others are probably ahead of us."

Ruby looks at him and then at the boy in the tank. "Derek.....can we get him out? I feel like we can't leave him here."

Derek shakes his head. "We don't want to risk any rouge attacks that he might try, plus we wouldn't want him slowing us down if he doesn't wake up." Derek then went over to the next door and opens it. "Come on Ruby."

Ruby sighed and went with Derek to the next room, thinking of a way to get that boy out of the tank, but she didn't want to get Derek mad at her for getting the boy out.


Grimm Cinder watched the two walk away from the room as she looked at the tank they discovered, she then grins and activates a switch.

The tank's water drains as it then opened up, letting the boy fall flat onto the ground as he wakes up, silent not knowing what was going on he stood up and looked to see the door was opened and smelt something sweet as he followed the smell.

Cinder followed Derek and Ruby into a room where the door was locked as she then jumped out from the wall on top of Ruby and hissed at her.

"Get off me!" Ruby shouted as she kicks Cinder off of her. "You can't take two of us on."

Derek readied his swords as he saw the boy coming up behind Cinder. "Well this just even the odds, we're fucked."

Ruby thinks for a moment as she gets an idea. "Hey asshole, can't catch me." She then sticks her middle figure up at Cinder and runs. "Can't catch me bitch."

Cinder growled and chases Ruby leaving Derek in the room with the boy who was just standing there.

"Can you hear me? Who are you?" Derek asked hoping the boy would answer. "Talk or I will attack."

The boy looked up at Derek and runs at him.

"Ah shit." Derek said as he moved out of the way as the boy hit the door hard. "Jeez that must've hurt."

The boy spun around as he looked at Derek again and started throwing punches at him, only for the punches to be blocked.

Ruby ran into different rooms trying to make Cinder confused as she waited for a moment to strike at her, she could hear her foot steps as she got ready.

Cinder sniffed around for Ruby as she checked each room, she slowly got closer to the room Ruby was in. As she opened the door she didn't see nothing and was about to go out of the room until the door shut on her tail, making her screech in pain.

Ruby jumps down from the ceiling and slices Cinder in half with her Crescent Rose. "You're not human, you were an abomination." Ruby then opens the door and runs back to where Derek was at.

Derek had just finished knocking the boy out, but didn't kill him as he looked at him and saw Ruby coming. "So our problem taken care of?"

Ruby nods. "Yeah she was dumb, what are we going to do about him by the way?"

Derek thinks for a moment and looked at Ruby. "Fine Ruby we can take him with us but we need to cover him up."

Ruby smiled and looks around for something. "Will a bag do? At least it'll cover his well you know."

Derek nods as he gets one out, he then puts it on the boy and looks at Ruby. "You take the lead Ruby, I'll have to carry this guy out of here."

Ruby nods as she opens the door to show a new room that had a key in it. "There's the key, Derek let's take it and get out of here." Ruby walks into the room as Derek follows.

A TV screen lowers from the ceiling as Dr.Geno's face appears. "Very good you have found your key, and my failed experiment of a son, but I can't let you two escape so easily."

Derek looks around and see's orbs around Ruby. "Fuck me." He then drops the boy and pushes Ruby out of the way as the orbs light up sending electricity to Derek shocking him.

"What a fool to save the girl, but at last, you will die here." Dr. Geno said.

The power of the electricity got more powerful as Derek was getting shocked still and screaming in pain.

Ruby tried to break the orbs but they didn't crack at all. "Derek hold on I'll think of something."

"Poor poor fools there is no escape from death." Dr. Geno said.

Ruby looked around the room for a switch, or something else to help as she was walking around the room she tripped over a cable as she looked at where it was going, she then follows it into a empty room that had computers that were activated.

Derek kept screaming in pain as he felt a dark presence enter his body, he then blacked out as the pain was too much.

Ruby destroyed the computers as she walked out of the room to see Derek unconscious and noticed that everything else was out. She looked at the key, and then at Derek and the boy. It was up to her now to get those two out of there in one piece.

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