Chapter 8. Am I Dreaming...?

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Once again, Sonia woke with a start.
Once again, Sonia had zero recollection of anything the night before beyond her conversation with the strange, hot and mysterious Ody.
Feeling flustered, and in dire need of an intravenous line of caffeine, Sonia went into her kitchen and put the kettle on.
As soon as it boiled, she made a slightly milkier-than-normal coffee.

Gulping it down, she headed for the shower, feeling a need to wash her dreams off herself.

Soaking underneath the very warm water of her shower, Sonia slowly felt the tension housed in her muscles, ease away.
At this point in the shower, Sonia decided to shampoo and then condition her hair.
Only, once her eyes were closed, and the shampoo was in her hair, Sonia thought she felt (what felt) like a third hand in her head, assisting with the massaging-in of the shampoo.

Letting out a squeal of fear, Sonia leaped under the water to rid her body of all bubbles.
Only to look around - there was no-one there!

Sonia's muscles had tensed back up, and her heart was thundering both under her skin and in her chest - absolute fear.

Ever so slowly, Sonia applied the conditioner to her hair (so she didn't have to close her eyes) and had her back against the shower wall.

At the conclusion of her shower, Sonia wrapped herself in a dressing gown, and her medium length hair was wrapped in a towel.

As she entered her room, she noticed... something... was... off.

It wasn't until Sonia mindlessly went to walk to her wardrobe to get clothes out, did Sonia discover the issue.

Her room had not only been rearranged, but her walk-in-robes had been walled in, and it was now on the other side of her room.

Sonia threw clothes on (any clothes - just to avoid being naked) and headed to her kitchen to make herself another cup of coffee.

"Clearly my brain isn't processing things right yet. There's simply no way that my walk-in robe could have put itself somewhere else. I have got to be losing my goddamn mind!" Sonia said out loud to herself.

Her phone - which was miraculously sitting plugged in on the bench near the kettle, started pinging and making noise as soon as Sonia spoke.

Sonia decided to ignore the phone until she had had a proper, hot, cup of coffee.

Her phone started to ring.

Unknown Number.

"Not yet. I'm soooooo not ready yet." Sonia said to her phone.

The ringing instantly cut off.

"Thank you," Sonia said in response to the silence.

Just as Sonia was about to finish her coffee, Sonia unlocked her phone with her thumbprint and opened Wattpad to see today's damage.

"Morning Sonia! How did you sleep? Well, I hope. Your shampoo smells Ah-mazing! I wish I could shower with you. ❤!"

The first message from Peter read. Sonia gave a slight shiver when she read this.

"Sonia - I hope you're not ignoring me. That always goes bad for you. Always. Please answer when I call. You know the drill."

The second message from Peter read. Sonia shuddered upon reading it. Indeed, she did know the drill.

His final message read...

"You. Didn't. Answer. Be thankful you asked for a reprieve. Say when I can call."

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