Chapter 28. Epilogue

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Sonia's eyes fluttered open and slowly - ever-so-slowly - conciousness began to invade her mind.

"The battle with Sammael!"- Sonia thought to herself, "Where is Ody? Were the boys able to handle it after I clearly lost my shit? Where the hell IS everyone?"

Starting to panic a little, Sonia swung her legs over the side of the incredibly soft mattress and for the first time since waking - really took notice of the black sheets, dark-wood furniture, and a paint that was such a dark blue it initially appeared black, causing Sonia's heart-rate to pick-up.

"Fuck, I don't know where everyone else is,"- Sonia kept thinking to herself, "Where the freaking fuck am I?"

With her heart pounding in her ears, Sonia caught sight of herself in a mirror- "I'm naked!" She yelled out, "Who stripped me? Where's Asmodeous? WHAT IS GOING ON?" Sonia ended up howling.

Suddenly, Sonia could hear footsteps thundering her way, and, not entirely certain who was going to bust down the door, she started throwing open drawers and cupboards and doors - seeking any items of clothing that might cover her unmentionables.

Locating a shirt, only six sizes too big, sheer moments before the bedroom door was kicked open.

In stormed Asmoseous, Beezlebub, Leviathan, Satan and Lucifer - all propped to attack the intruder.

"Where is he?"

"Come out you... you... disgusting cretin!"

"Who the fuck is in here, I will end you!"

Where in a few of the comments - could you tell which one is Ody?

Sonia, squatting in the corner with the shirt pulled over her knees - was laughing hysterically.
So hard in fact, tears were streaming down her face, and she couldn't form sentences, let alone words!

Ody's eyes landed on Sonia and he'd grabbed her up into his arms before she'd even registered who was in the room.

"Sonia! Are you ok? Who was in here? What happened?" Ody asked, while slowly rocking her, and stroking her matted hair out of her eyes, and off her her forehead.

Sonia finally managed to vocalise herself- "Where am I? What happened with the fight, after I passed out? And who in the actual fuck stripped me?" Question by question, Sonia's voice raised in volume until the final two words, where she was almost screeching in panic.

Ody's hands had stayed in contact with Sonia's skin since he got to her side, but at this point his big hands grasped her small face, and said- "Look at me, baby. You're safe, you're at my house with myself and my brothers. You're safe. After the fight - in which you defeated Sammael, might I mention - you passed out. So we ported here, to Scotland. I'm the one who stripped you, to check you for serious injuries but noone else was here to see anything."

Sonia seemed to take in a few long, large, deep breaths in to calm the anxiety within herself - and then met Ody's eyes with a clear mind and panic-clear vision.

"Ody! I'm so fucking glad we're all safe!" She declared, happily.

Beezlebub, Leviathan, Satan and Lucifer looked down at their toes, not used to a human female saying anything to them, let alone anything nice.

"Ody and I couldn't have pulled that off without you four, I hope you realise that," Sonia continued, seeming to pick up on the brothers' need to feel validated- "Bubby, Levy, Lucy and Satan, I like you guys! And considering we'll be family soon enough, I want you all to know how much I appreciate you throwing your powers in with me, against Sammael. We all had a lot to lose, but a tonne to gain. So, Thank you, really."

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