Chapter 3. Southern Air Temple.

Começar do início

Seeing damaged their ship was, he spoke, "That's quiet a bit of damage." His eyes slight widened.

"Yes. You wouldn't believe what happened." Zuko started, knowing he wanted to know the cause, "Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened."

Iroh's eyes widened, "Yes. I will do that. It was incredible-" He then leaned over to Zuko, "What, did we crash or something?"

"Yes!" He struggled to continue, "Right into an Earth Kingdom ship."

"Really?" Zhao frowned, "You must retail all the thrilling details, join be for a drink?" He asked the young prince, unconvinced.

"Sorry, but we have to go." Zuko excused himself.

"Prince Zuko. Show Commander Zhao your respect." Iroh stopped his nephew from leaving, "We would be honored to join you." He told Zhao.

"Do you have any Jing Sang tea? It's my favorite." He asked as he walked with the commander, accepting the invite on behalf of his nephew.

Leaving Zuko to growl in annoyance before following them.

Not like he wanted to.

~No one's P.O.V~

Nearing the Patola Mountain Range, Sokka scolded his stomach, telling it to shut up since he was trying to find some food.

"Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" He complained, seeing the, used to be filled, bag empty.

"That was food?" Y/n asked, sitting on the railing of the saddle, "I used it to start the campfire last night." She shrugged.

"You what?!" He pouted, "No wonder the campfire smelled so good." He remarked, falling on his back in defeat.

"Pat pat." Y/n said as she patted Sokka's forehead before jumping up on Appa's head, landing softly with the help of a little Airbending, taking the reins for Aang to relax a bit.

"We're almost there!" Aang cheered, laying on Appa's head.

"Guys, before we get to the temple, I wanna talk to you about the Airbenders." Katara looked down.

"What about them?" Aang asked, refusing to sit back up.

"Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see." Katara started, her tone of voice catching the girl's attention, "The Fire Nation are ruthless, they killed my mother, they could've done the same to your people."

Y/n looked back at Aang, his knuckles turned white from how tight he grabbed his staff, "Just because no one have seen an Airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all." Y/n smiled, looking back at Aang, "They probably escaped."

At her words, Aang seemed to brighten up, "They sure did!" He smiled.

"I know it's hard to accept."

Y/n growled under her breath, her grip on the reins tighten. Why did she insist on continuing the conversation, she didn't need to. Absolutely. Not.

Legend of Y/n:  Lost. (Various X F! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora