37- Creepy

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Amanda pov

I am thankful.
That I migrated from that school.
Our principal is far better.
I know we share such a special bond.
But she is far more better than this guy.
No idea why Drew got expelled

Well I got the records

I just need to report at the airport by 6pm.

Now its 2 .
So I have plenty of time.

Well I will just have a walk.

I stopped at a cafe.

I can't say a cafe.
Because I have spent most of my time here.
Well then let it be my last visit.

The smell of hot chocolate came.

God my stomach made a special sound

Ya special as if.

I give my usual order.
Hot chocolate and croissant.

And their croissant is so soft .

Why is that guy so creepy.

I sigh.

I sit .


I check its Drew

Me. Hey

D. How was the meeting

Me. Come on stop acting innocent I know by now you know that happened you must have asked Drake

D. Well you know me too well . Yes but no I had called him and when I asked him about this he just cut the call. Ha . Was it that bad

Me. I would prefer worst. You won't believe why he called us for .

My order came.
And that guy  was smirking at me.

D. Hello hello helllllllo

A. I am here .
And I said the whole thing that happened at the principal's very much clean room .

D. Seriously

A. Yup

This guy is getting on my nerves why is this guy staring  at me.

I walk towards him

"What's your problem " I say

He ignores me

"Oh hello  all this while you were staring at me and when I confronted stop acting innocent " I said

I really am not in a mood to create a scene here.

"Ohhh I am sad you dont remember me . But I do " he said

This guy is so creepy

"Seriously oh come on did you forget what happened at that night after your 10nth grade prom party " that just stopped me.

How does this guy know?

And before I could respond he just vanished.

I look for him but he is not there.

I see some staffs going behind

I go out of the shop and go behind .

I find him

" how do you know " he looks at me.

"Missed me already wow " he said and started walking.

I yanked his hand

He smirked.
This guy

"Answer me ''

He laughed

"Feeling restless huh. Ok fine it isn't my story but you will get your answer at 12th street 5th block at the end and bye bye " he said and went away

Why was he acting all so creepy.

Leave it.
There's nothing

All that happened was I found him cheating that's it.

Nothing else

I stared at the cafe.

Amanda you have to leave this space today. Leave it

I don't know why my heart is beating so fast.
I feel something is wrong

You know what I need to find out .

I called a cab and give the address

Amanda what are you doing . You have a flight to catch . Why are you again going to your past

Then how did he knew about it.
How did a waiter in the cafe know about it.

Someone might have said

Who someone

"Excuse me ma'am we have reached your destination " the driver said looking at me carefully

Amanda !!?
I said that aloud ...

I smile at him and hand him the money.

I look at the house.

Why does this look familiar.

Amanda get this done.

I sigh and hit the door bell.

I hear footsteps.
The door gets opened and I look up .

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