19- My buddy

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Amanda POV

"I can't believe !!! You here? Wow" I said.

Well guys meet Drew Cohen.
He's my beat friend actually before me and Drake's thing we  three were best friends.
Well after that .......understood.

"I have been attending here since a week and how is it that I haven't seen you yet " he asked

"Well the school officially give a week leave for me" I said.

He crunched up his nose

"Wait one minute you were that other person with Drake who got suspension?!!!" He asked stopping at the hallway.

"Looks like you met him " I said
He muttered a yup

"And that mark in his nose is it you" he asked.

I evilly smirked.

He laughed.

"Wow" he said laughing.

"So out of all the schools that you could pick why did you choose this wonderful one" I asked sarcastically

He chuckled.

"Well I got expelled" he said and looking at me from his corner of his eye.

"You just got expelled now.!?" I asked

"Well who am I even asking right " he said.

I laughed.

"I expected your expulsion long back dude " I said patting his back.

"Well what to do they realised and appreciated my talent just recently " he said dusting off his imaginary dust.

"Dramatic ass" I said.

He showed victory.

"But wait how did you get accepted here " I asked.

Well our principal is such a good Person you see

"Oh that's where everything comes. Well the principal studied with my mom" he said.

"Your mom's alright " I asked.

"She's that bad huh " he asked laughing

" oh well she has a special kind of love for the Monroe's "I said with a  wink

He laughed .

" hey I met this cute girl here " he said.

I cleared my throat

"Obviously" he muttered.

"Name " I ordered

He surrendered his hand.

"Mia" he said

I stared at him.

"What's your plans" I asked.

"I don't know I find her cute " he said . he's lying

"If you ever hurt her remember that there's me to kick your gem" I said making double coats for gem

"You know her?" He asked.

"My buddy" I winked.

He slapped his face

"Looks like I did to the wrong person " he rumbled

"Well how's your scary brothers " he asked

I stopped and looked at him.
"They aren't scary ok. And they are fine they moved to here for good" I said.

"They might be loving materials in front of you but snipers in front of us " I scoff.

I hit someone

"Oh I am sorry" I say
"Ethan" he looks at me

"Amanda I need to talk to you " he said pleading.

I looked at Drew he nodded.
Ethan give a glare to Drew.


"I regret what I did" he said.
"What do you mean"
"We were fighting and she just can't stop it and I  was getting pissed. And I said that it was because she's like this her sister left her " he said


"Ethan" I whined.

"I regretted the moment I said that" he said

I close my eyes.

"Whatever you do by lunch you both need to solve this otherwise its gonna be worse " I said to him.
Well I could be friendly and worse .

He pulls his hair.

And walks away.

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