10-Are you fine ?

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Amanda POV
I didn't see him back at home yesterday.

Today morning my brothers had arrived saying that everything ended soo fast.

They haven't got to know anything. But the moment they know I seriously have no idea what would happen.

I am literally sweating.

"Are you fine Amy" I jumped hearing and looked behind it was Nash.

"Umm. Why not" I say fakely fixing my hair.

"Well I don't think such so and why did you jump " he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Well you guys arrived at dawn so I expected you people were asleep . sooo" I said acting Normal.
Please believe it.

He nodded his head and headed downstairs.
Thank god!

I am at school now.
As far as I know  Kevin he would be by now told my brothers about this .

I know that you might be thinking doesn't he care for his life. But his nature is like that.
Once he accidentally pushed me which lead to me with a scratched knee and skin peeled off.

I said to my brothers that I slipped
But Kevin went on saying about all that happened. Which lead him to having a hand plaster.

Someone tapped my shoulder

Mia raised her eyebrow.

"What" I asked.

"You  have been spacing out" she said.

"No" I said and  bell rang.

Got this thing is eating me up.
"Ma'am I getting giddy" Miastood a.d said.

And she suddenly lost her balance and was about to kiss the floor. I stood all so fast and held her.

"Amanda take her to the medical room" our teacher said.

And I held her and was walking to there. She started walking all so okay suddenly and pulled me to an edge.

"What have you been hiding since morning " she asked

"Weren't you feeling giddy" I asked confused.

"That was just an excuse to talk to you " she said.

"Nothings wrong"
She give me a look lie to your foot not to me

I scratched my neck.
"Yesterday Kevin proposed me and I said a no" I said.
Mia had her jaw hanging open

"That family friend of yours right " she asked relieving from the shock.
"He was acting all so possessive and I accidentally  pushed him. " I said

"Well well well" we hear a clapping sound and look behind Mia  to find him.

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