Christmas/Winter Special: Part 1

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A/n: it's not part of the real story but for something different some of the things that happened in the main storyline will play a part in this so there may be a few surprises. Get ready even if it's not really Christmas themed much I hope everyone enjoys this.
Normal POV
As the fall season came to an end winter came in it's place as so did a new holiday cheer. The first snow soon came as the town of Oak had come alive as decorations came out and everyone's faces lit up with a new joy. During this time the towns people insisted a festival to be held for the Fairy Reaper Guild for all their hard work for the last two years. While this guild was terrifying to the face of it's enemies unlike Fairy tail. The people loved the Reapers as they were actually good people instead of the last local guild Phantom Lord. The festival was a mere few days away and there was a lot to be prepared and while Lucy and her guild mates were ready to help.

The people just wouldn't allow it and so the town's people went at it. Sometimes as Lucy or some of the others walked around town they overheard as the townspeople chattered about their excitement for the festival. However as they noticed any members of the Reapers they never spoiled any of their plans. Lucy stepped out of the guild taking a breath of the cold but fresh air. She smiled as Arashi followed close behind the both of them dressed in their winter coats, boots and other accessories for the cold weather. They lightly treaded through the snow on their way into town happy as can be as the country of Fiore was at peace. During their walk Lucy sensed a familiar trace of magic but couldn't place it as it had been so long and she had encountered so many people with magic on missions. The numbers were hard to count and as the celestial Mage was lost in thought a certain little one stared at her curiously.

"Mom what are you thinking about?" The young thunderbird asked the woman and snapped out of her daze and smiled brightly.
"Hm... Perhaps I was thinking of how ecstatic your expression will be when you see your present?" She lightly teased as he pouted slightly which made her giggle into her hand.

A figure watched the two without their knowledge as he smiled lightly seeing the blonde bright and cheery again.
"I know things between us are messed up because of those demons from before but I hope... if I do something special for you during this festive season I can fix us..." He watched with a look of longing and hope as the blonde and child further disappeared from sight.

At the Festival
A Christmas tree was placed in the center of the town as decorations stood out everywhere anyone could walk within the town. It was beautiful and lively as everyone was dressed up in festive clothing that was also good against the cold weather. Lucy, Arashi and the others spent the whole day enjoying the festivities occasionally meeting up with each other to try new things. Before they new it nightfall had come and after the first few hours Arashi's first yawn of the night came out after being tuckered out by his earlier excitement. Laxus was tired of the festivities anyway so he gently as possible picked the kid up and volunteered to take him home and look after him. While Lucy was ready to do it herself for once she couldn't win in an argument as everyone in the guild agreed that she needed some her time without a kid around.

Everyone dispersed leaving Lucy alone but she didn't mind as she took in a breath of the cold fresh air. A certain someone figured this would be their only chance and waited for the right moment to approach. As Lucy sat town on a bench for a break he finally took the initiative. Carefully approaching the celestial wizard he walked behind her bench and dropped a letter by her side as she was zoned out. He walked away slipping into the crowd without suspicion before she could see him and had hope that his plan would work. Lucy soon felt something touch her fingertips as she was giving her legs a break from walking around the festival for long periods of time. She looked down beside her and found the letter that had been dropped. The blonde carefully picked it up, examined it and was surprised to find her name on it which led her to wonder who and why?

She opened the envelope and delicately took out the folded sheet of paper as she was still perplexed by this paper's appearance. Wary of some spell or charm possibly casted on it or some threat from a past enemy she opened it. Carefully reading each word she found that either this wasn't from an enemy or it was simply a trap. It spoke of a meeting place about a mile and a half from town which in a way Lucy didn't like. Non the less her curiosity got the better of her as stood while putting the letter away and thinking of the possibilities to come. With that she left the lively festival behind and headed to her new destination.

A few days prior:
As Lucy was on a solo mission a new silhouette made it's appearance at the entrance of the Fairy Reaper Guild. They entered and approached the group of mages as they all focused their attention on him. The doors shut behind him and he removes his cloak revealing himself as who Laxus and Sebastian know as Zander. Zeref knows that if he reveals his true appearance they would immediately report him to the magic council and he probably won't ever get another chance with Lucy. The two older brothers of the Heartfilia woman were not pleased to see him and Laxus was already growling as he had a flashback to what Fairytail had done to Lucy before Tartaros had taken her. Zeref and the others could tell he was angry but only himself and the brothers knew why.

"Why are you here?" Laxus asked the emperor coldly.

"I want to apologize and earn your forgiveness" Zeref replied calmly but also showed that he was telling the truth from his expression.

"Apologize? Oh you mean apologize about how you stood there and did nothing to help us when Fairytail betrayed us?! Not helping me or Sebastian was one thing but not helping Lucy after all she's done for you... Do you really think you can atone just by earning our forgiveness?" In that moment Laxus was snapping with rage which was almost unusual for him now since they had left Fairytail behind. While Sebastian agreed with Laxus he knew be shouldn't act as rash and carefully observed the situation. The others knew a little bit about the grudge against Fairytail and was on guard at the mention of the guild.

"I'm really sorry I didn't help any of you back then but I knew it would only make things worse." Zeref's expression had a mixture of emotions and some almost felt bad for him still he pressed on.

"If I could turn back time I would and I know that none of you will probably truly forgive me but... I want to win Lucy's heart and the first step is to earn your forgiveness." At this everyone present went silent and some were even shocked and at this statement Sebastian had a thought.

"Lucy hasn't been the same since she left Fairytail that day though she still tries to act like nothing has changed in her. Acting like she's moved on with her life... And even if it's true that she is happy I can tell there's a different type of happiness she wants. However she doesn't want to allow her heart to try it could Zander bring her the thing she's missing?"

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