Ch.26: The Cube

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"Lucy's" POV
While walking down one of the many hallways I noticed Franmalth by one of the windows and assumed he was either dismissed or the meeting had ended. He seemed excited about something as he whispered to himself but a look of confusion crossed his face as he looked out the window again like he had noticed something. I almost laughed at his expression when all of a sudden he screamed and next thing we knew something came crashing through the wall. Using my wings as cover I shielded myself from any oncoming rubble as I heard the angry voice of the intruder. Folding my wings behind me I observed the scene of a cowardice Franmalth and a fire wielding pinkette. He either completely disregarded my presence or was completely oblivious that I existed. A blue cat was flying nearby unsure how to deal with the stupidity of his companion for not having a plan when he busted in here.

Franmalth continued yelling in pain from the oncoming fists covered in fire as he refused to answer the pinkette's question. Then seemed to come on with an idea as a smile grazed his features.

"Lucy won't you help me?! I can't fend off this savage!" He yelled as he looked in my direction. Both the pinkette and the blue cat froze at my name being called and turned to look at me.

Natsu's POV
Before crashing at the cube:
I was fueled with pure rage as Happy carried me to the town where Tartaros was nearby. They not only took her away but killed Lucy... That's unforgivable! I'll avenge her.. I have to! I miss her smile and how the whole guild lit up with her presence. She changed all of Fairytail for the better and they took her away!

I growled darkly completely oblivious to the worried looks Happy was casting down at me as we flew our course.
"They crossed the line! They've drove me over the edge and they'll pay for it. As much as I'd hate to disobey one of Fairytail's most important rules... Today blood will be shed and it won't be mine..."

Or that's what I thought as I beat the face in of one of what I assumed was a member of Tartaros. Until he spoke her name with a grin on his face. He wasn't using past tense or mocking me he looked away to the side like he was talking to her. At first I thought of it to only be a trick to distract me and run or launch a counterattack... But... I knew it was real when my senses picked up a certain scent.

"She's really alive...! But wait he asked her for help? What had they done to her the Lucy I know would never do that... Right?"

As her sweet scent of fresh vanilla and strawberries filled my nose I froze as I noticed something different about it but was distracted as another thought about what happened when we were under the curse of another member crossed my mind.

"Did she turn against us from that? Was it that she faked her own death to join them?!"

To many thoughts swirled in my head as I hesitately turned to face the once so cheerful blonde. My eyes widened in shock at her new appearance... I heard Happy slowly fall to the ground nearby as he tried not to burst into tears. The dragon like appearance was one thing and the fact that those features resembled that of Acnologia was horrifying. However the worst of it all was her change in attitude and aura... It was that of a sadistic evil demon. Seeing her like this was worst then encountering Acnologia himself.

"Lucy's" POV
I giggled at the sight of their expressions of despair, regret and fear. Even if it wasn't really their fault I'm glad the real Lucy left Fairytail... I've been locked away for far... To long and I want to have some fun.

"Cat got your tongue Salamander? Or should I say the younger son of Dragneel?"

I smirked as he sat there kneeled only a few feet away, grasping his arms as he shook with a look of horror plastered on his face. Franmalth was long gone to report things to Mard Geer so it was just the two of us and the blue cat I remember as Happy. At last Natsu spoke

"Why Lucy? Leaving the guild after the way we treated you that day was one thing but..."

His voice cracked from the overwhelming emotions that caused his whole body to shake.

"Why did you have to stoop this low?! Why did you fake your death and turn evil?!"

He screamed in a mix of despair, pain and anger as tears flowed down his cheeks freely and I was a little aback by his words and actions... just why did he cling onto the other me so much? I couldn't comprehend how he broke down in front of me so quickly I'm not the girl he once knew aren't I the enemy? I bared my fangs getting annoyed with the so-called dragon slayer.

"You think this will guilt trip me?! That I'll come crawling back to that pathetic guild?! Never! Take a good look Dragneel this is the new Lucy Heartfilia! The old one isn't ever coming back as far as I care she died along with that fake corpse!"

I lost it and yelled in anger as my eyes flashed a mix of red and blue as my already present dragon aura was combining with the new demonic change that had happened to my body.

"Let's just go Natsu..."

Happy called as he wiped his face clearing the tears from his face. Natsu sadly nodded and picked Happy up as Happy spread his wings. Happy went to his back and while clinging to Natsu's shirt the two took off. I thought about shooting the them down but let them go in the end. I turned around and started walking back down the side of the hallway I had first came from.

Laxus's POV
We were on the edge of town and could see the cube like flying aircraft off in the distance. Only thing is I saw a certain pink haired idiot with his blue cat coming from that direction. When he's closer Sebastian gets his attention and Happy brings him down to where we are. I immediately noticed the change from his usual fight picking self. Even without seeing his face we could all tell that he had been crying. Sebastian calmly tried to get him to fill us in on what happened but he stayed silent. Arashi begged him to tell what had gone down all the while almost to the point of crying himself. In return Natsu had demanded to know the relationship between the child and the beloved celestial Mage. After Arashi explained who he was and how the others were part of Lucy's guild Natsu finally gave in and spilled everything.

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