New Term

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(Pabaxel: Changed the engineering design to the current Security RIG suit armor Midoriya is wearing. Also added the energy shields, along with the electric gloves and grappling gauntlet. Nice.)

Start of the original course as the previous mission ended with little success. More students were accepted.

"Alright this our your first semester." ,-said a random student in the hallway talking to someone else.

"Wait I thought we already started?" ,-asked Kevin confused walking towards their morning class. Everyone who is still here from the first mission has suffered different types of injuries some physical ones but mostly phycological damage. 

"We just started early." ,-said Shouta opening the door heading in sitting down in one corner of the class.

"Yeah, the hell early." ,- said Katsumi looking over to see is her friends are still here.

While Izuku has been checking his new additions to his arsenal.

"Woah, there's already students here." ,-said Sonia next to Midoriya's com as a new wave of students came through the doors.

"I guess the most of the originals aren't coming back, including Eric." ,-Emily commented

"I guess I would understand that after losing someone." ,-said Midoriya calibrating all his RIG equipment.

"I had to take a break to process what just happened." ,-said Jirou as Uraraka stayed quietly.

Right on the door 3 more girls showed up Kate, June, and Sally came back also after escaping their previous mission and have joined back.
And Kevin arrived at the last minute.

Soon the rest of the classroom of 1-A is filled in with new faces. Midoriya's group stayed in one corner in the back of the class. No one seemed like they knew much of anything but their corner while everyone has happy. Izuku and his friends were all tired and having traumas from their mission.

"Quite down all you are are part of........, you better act accordingly. Okay let's see everyone is here." ,-said Mr.Aizawa checking everyone through their RIG system.

"Alright let's begin with the basics...." ,-Mr.Aizawa looks over at the serval familiar faces. "...expect for you guys in the corner, you have been already prepared. You guys can wait at the hanger. " ,-he instructing the rest of the class talking about an hour to finish.

"Thank god...wait where's the hanger?" ,-Kevin Questioned.

"Don't know." ,-said Todoroki as she barely stayed anytime in this place.

"Follow me." ,-said Midoriya with all other 10 experienced engineers/survivors headed to the hanger.

Jirou, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Emily, Kevin, Kate, Katsumi, Todoroki, June and Sally. They all waited at a store buying supplies they needed to restock. While the class arrived 2 hours later.

"Looks like we have another mission." ,-said Midoriya as he received an message from their instructor to head to the spaceship 17-1A.
"Let's go guys!" ,-he informed everyone in the team renamed Heavy Delta unit.

"So what now?" ,-asked Jirou

"It seems we scouting mission to do." ,-said Emily as Midoriya passed she the message to her informing the rest of the unit.

"At least it's not a retrieval mission." ,-said Kevin

"We don't know that." ,-said Todoroki

"We? We! Know your saying we?" ,-yelled Katsumi exploding in the background.

"Ignore her she's in one her moments." ,-said Sally.

"Hellll!!!!!! FUc!!!!!!!!" ,-Katsumi can be heard in the distance.

"Okay then after everyone have their equipment set up, we will meet again aboard the ship Okay." ,-Emily instructed as everyone agreed.

Emily looked behind her and saw the entire team looking her.
"I thought you guys needed to buy a few things." ,-she said surprised everyone has ready.

"No..we are good now." ,-said Jirou looking over as everyone confirmed.

"Even Katsumi has calm down." ,-Sally commented aggravating her more.

"Shut up!" ,-Yelled Katsumi filled with anger once more.

"Never mind." ,-said June helping Sally settling Katsumi down.

As they walk towards the ship Uraraka taping Midoriya on the shoulder.

"Are we going to find those monsters again." ,-

"I'm not sure, but I will have in infirm everyone on our group once we settle in the ship." ,-said Midoriya, "Calling everyone, I have to something to say to everyone."

*Several minutes later*
"Alright what do you want to talk about Midoriya?" ,-asked Emily

"Alright, I will talking a very sensible topic is on what we saw on that planet. Those things called necromorphs by the doctor on that table after I visited the hospital they had several recordings and audio tapes."

"Continue..." ,-said Emily calming everyone down.

"Necromorphs Huh...that name to good for those things." ,-said Katsumi containing her anger at that moment.

"Are we all are aware these necromorphs can be easily called by shooting out the limbs and then shot them again to make sure."

"Yeah those fuckers." ,-said Katsumi again annoyed at this point.

"How many of us had illusions back then?" ,-asked Midoriya seeing Kevin, Emily, Sally, June, and Katsumi more than half of them encountered a similar event. "Those illusions did hurt quite a bit. Anyways the way those people turned like a virus but so far I have no records no how it spread. But keep your helmets at all times just in case any of us encounter these things once again." ,-said Midoriya knowing that this will not be the last time they will encounter these creatures.

"What you guys talking about? ,-asked a new classmate as two small groups of four entered the ship.

"Well hopefully nothing bad happens." ,-said Kevin with his big mouth again. The start of their new journey with new bodi...students how long will they last?

⚠️Warning!⚠️ ⚠️Warning!⚠️
(Pabaxel: In this story many characters will die. The first few chapters were just a test on how I was planning this story but now adding the rest of class 1-A will make things interesting. Just letting you know their will be mass casualties in this story it's dead space come on.)

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