Hearts of Stone

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  • Dedicated to All aborted children

     Glorfindel could remember when the sons of Elrond had been happy and carefree, the realities of life passing over their heads.  They were the laughter of Imladris; everyone smiled when they saw the pair - and sometimes growled in rage if they had been the latest victim to a prank.  A bad mood would pass in minutes for the two.  They never had to deal with the problems outside their peaceful valley, going on the occasional excursion outside Imladris, and enjoying themselves in patrols.

     But no more.

     Elladan and Elrohir were far different now.  Nothing showed in their eyes but brokenness and an icy resolve.  A resolve to kill all foul creatures in Arda.  A most amazing ambition to be sure, but the Balrog-slayer knew they would not rest until they had completed their mission.  They rarely left each others sides, seeming to feel that if they did, their twin would disappear.  But it had been so long . . .

     Three years.

     It had been three years since Celebrían had sailed, leaving four broken-hearted family members behind.  But Elrond and Arwen dealt with the grief differently than the twins did.  Arwen stayed for a short time, trying to receive comfort from her older brothers, but when none came, she left to Lothlórien to stay with her grandparents.  Elrond caved in to the loneliness, letting his heartache out by pushing himself to do more work.  Imladris had never been so caught up on its paperwork.  Glorfindel had held Elrond many time while he sobbed for his wife, misery coating him as he despaired over how he could not save his beloved from the wounds to her soul.

     Everyone in Imladris missed their Lady, but her family most of all.  Elladan and Elrohir didn't let out their emotions though, bottling them up and turning cold.  They were rarely in Imladris, preferring to stay out by themselves while hunting for packs of orcs.  The only times they returned was when they had been sorely wounded, coming back just long enough for their wounds to heal, then leaving again.  It was the complete opposite now; instead of the valley enjoying it when the twins were there, the individuals now flinched away when they saw them, the indifferent masks on their faces reminding the occupants of Celebrían.  Their high cheekbones, their once-laughing eyes, and their very manner of walking was the same as their mother.

     Glorfindel knew that Elrohir, the more sensitive of the twins, could sense everyone's pain when they looked at him.  Sometimes when he thought no one was looking, quiet anguish would reveal itself in the twin's grey eyes, but he never knew Glorfindel saw.  The Balrog-slayer never knew what Elladan thought, though.  His face was shuttered all the time, his features concealed in a cold mask that never dropped.  He met everyone's gazes with a cold look of his own, and even his father recoiled from the callous glare.  He knew that they took the pain of being parted as hard as their father did, in a different way.

     Glorfindel sighed and pushed his chair back a few feet, standing to his feet.  The sons of Elrond had left the table a few minutes before, and Glorfindel hated to think of how the air had cleared and people started chatting freely once they were gone.

     Elrond cast his friend a questioning look, and Glorfindel gave him a small smile, tapping his stomach to show that he was full.  The Elflord nodded and returned to his food, Glorfindel turning to leave the dining hall.  He wasn't full though - he had barely eaten anything, but he had no appetite at the moment.  As the identical twins sat across from him, Glorfindel could only see their dark hair since they ate with heads bowed, wanting to get done quickly and leave.

     Elladan had a pattern of bruises decorating his neck and a bandage around his head, and Elrohir's arm was held by a sling.  They had both been wounded in their most recent fight on an orc hunt, and Glorfindel knew they would be leaving within two days.  They didn't want to stay to see the stares they perceived as accusing, preferring to kill more of the foul creatures that had tainted their mother's soul.

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