Out of Breath

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  • Dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien!

    "Catch me, Glorfy!"

    The Balrog-slayer hadn't been expecting that, and he spun, flinging his arms out on instinct - just in time for a bundle of excited elfling to land in them.  Shoulder-length dark hair spilled around the mischievous twin's face as he looked up at Glorfindel.  "That was fun!" he exclaimed.  "Do it again!"

    Glorfindel shook his head firmly.  "I think not.  You about gave me a heart attack."

    Deciding that the Elflord was serious, the twin squirmed out of his arms and landed on the ground.  "Elves can't have heart attacks, silly!"  With that, he darted across the lawn and threw himself on the ground, rolling in the lush green grass.  Glorfindel shook his head in amusement and turned to face the tall building that housed the Lord of Imladris and his family.  Just then, the named Elflord stepped out between two marble pillars, holding his other son with one hand and his wife with the other.

    "Going on an outing?" Glorfindel inquired of his friend.

    Elrond nodded.  " Celebrían wanted to go on a picnic to the waterfalls on the West side."

    "Wonderful idea."  He pretended he hadn't been listening to them speak about it last night at the evening meal.  "Are you taking the twins, or shall I watch them?"

    "We're taking them," Elrond said, them seemed to notice the son running around in the yard.  "Elladan!" he called.  "Come, we're leaving."

    "Have fun," Glorfindel called as the family started for the path that would lead to the waterfalls.

    "We will!" the twins yelled back to him.

    They reached the picnic area thirty minutes later.  It might have taken longer, but Elladan and Elrohir raced each other all the way there and their parents had to run to keep up.  The view was beautiful, the river splitting to form two perfect falls that cascaded down into a deep pool.

    "Can we swim?" Elladan eagerly asked his father, but it was Celebrían who answered.  "No, ion nîn, we're going to eat lunch first.  Then you can swim."

    The twins cheered, and took off the play among the trees while their parents set up the food, taking much longer than they had to so they could let the boys play and talk among themselves.

    "Are you going to swim?" Celebrían asked her husband with a twinkle in her eye.

    "If you do, so will I," he replied with the same smirk.

    Celebrían glanced over at her sons when one let out a shriek as they tussled.  She sighed.  "They're growing up far too fast."

    "Aye," Elrond said somewhat sadly.  "Soon they will start their training.  I hope Elrohir doesn't have trouble with it - he is more studious than Elladan and seems like he wouldn't do as well with the physical aspect of the training."

    "He will be a healer, like you," his wife predicted.  Now grinning, she poked him.  "Who would have thought that the mischievous little Elrond would have grown up to be a wise Elflord?"

    Elrond replied by sticking his tongue out at her childishly, and she laughed, the sound clear and melodious.

    After eating the delicious lunch the cooks had prepared, Celebrían and Elrond let the boys play for a bit longer while they cleaned up.

    "I want to be Glorfindel this time!" Elrohir yelled, but his twin was unfazed.

    "It's my turn," he retorted.  "You were him last time.  You can be the Balrog!"

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