Chapter 11

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"Oh, honey!  You look gorgeous!"

 I come out of the bathroom in a knee-length white lace dress two days after the yoga session.  The sleeves are long with thin lace gathering at a cuff at my wrist.  It hangs loosely on my figure, slightly curving at my waist.  I'll admit, this is one dress that I didn't reject immediately.  I smile, happy with my appearance for once.

    "Thanks, you, too," I respond taking in my mom's floral dress.  She smiles, brushing her hair over a shoulder.

    "Let's hope this 'final party' is worth it," she says with a wink.  "You can borrow my white flats if you want to."

    "Okay," I say, recalling my blood-splattered tan shoes.  I find the flats sitting in her suitcase.  I slip them on and head for the door.

    Mom grabs her purse and joins me.  "Ready?" she asks.

    "No," I say as the door clicks open.  We walk out and join some other guests at the elevator.

    I picture Grace's parents in my head, needing to find them and ask the questions I have.  My stomach lurches at the thought of confronting them.

    We board the elevator and press a button for the fourth floor.  Memories from the day with Daylon filter through my mind.  I hope they're not as nervous as I am.

    You'll be fine, it's just another dumb party, I think to myself as we pile off.   Hopefully.

    As we enter the towering ballroom, I pray silently that no one will die.  Since I'm here at a large gathering, I doubt the headcount will remain the same.

    We step down the graceful stairway into the sea of people.  I crane my head, looking for my friends.  I head to the food table, having a hunch that I might find them there.

    I catch them talking at a pillar, with what I hope is sparkling juice bubbling in champagne glasses.

    "Hi," I say as I walk up to them.  Ryder smiles.

    "You look amazing," he says.  I scoff at him as I tentatively tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

    "You, too.  Both of you, I guess" I say, awkwardly.  Both are wearing suits, Ryder a dark green and Daylon a silky black.

    "My mom forced me," Ryder says with a sigh.  Daylon chuckles, his eyes shining, and I smile at how happy he looks.

    "Have you guys seen Grace's parents?" I ask, getting down to business, desperately wanting to get it over with.

    Ryder frowns and shakes his head, "No, I haven't seen them.  Haven't seen Grace either, now that you mention it."  He shrugs as he takes a small sip of juice.

    "Yeah, me either," Daylon says.  "We'll keep looking though."

    I then see my uncle stride down the stairs with Grace, arm in arm.  She beams out to the crowd as they start applauding.  I see two sets of gray-haired couples descend behind them.  I recognize my grandparents, feeling guilty I haven't connected with them more this trip.  I look over to the other couple, the woman looking very similar to Grace.  They all smile, proud parents as they enter the ballroom floor.

    "I can find them," I mumble to my friends, "look out for Grace, too."  They nod in affirmation as I enter the swirling crowd.

    I squeeze past dancers and other pairs of people, muttering apologies.  I bob my head through the crowd, searching for Grace's parents again.  I see them at a pillar across the room, talking with other relatives.

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