Chapter 8

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Tonight, I run through the halls of my hotel floor.  The footsteps of Esther pounding behind me.

 "You must pay for your deeds, Elena!"  she screams, slamming against the walls as I turn the corners.

    I run and run through the maze of halls.  The paintings' eyes follow me as I sprint in fear.

    I hear the footsteps of Esther fade away.  I slow to a jog and halt, bracing my hands on my knees.  I take huge gulps of air, sweat trickling down my back.

    I scan the hall around me.  I look up in dread at the pale painting of Esther King.  A shining silver locket now hangs from her neck.  My eyes widen.

    "I'm coming," a voice whispers, it's lilting voice surrounding me.  My heart races.

    I stare in horror as Esther reaches a hand out from the painting, followed by her matted head.  She looks up at me with a twisted smile, the moonlight shining against the drops of blood splattered on her pale face.

    "There you are," she says and lunges for my heart.

    I wake in a cold sweat, again.

    I swallow deep breaths of air, sweat pouring down my back.  I shakily sit up on the bed, arms trembling.  I rest my head on the backboard, looking up at the ceiling.

    I sit up and feel my locket.  No blood.  I glance at my arm.  The scar is still there.  I rest my head again, relieved.

    I almost drift back to sleep when a thought hits me.  I swing my legs over the edge of the bed.  I zip up my sweater and lightly tread to the door.  I look back to my mom, snoring lightly as she always does, and I slip out the door.

    My legs still unstable, I walk down the corridors of the sleeping twenty-ninth floor.  Moonlight licks at my feet from the far window down the hall.

    I make a few familiar turns before I dreadfully approach the portrait of Esther King.

    I sink to the ground.

    There at the nape of her neck lies a locket,  A broken locket, identical to mine.  It looks like it had been there the entire time.  Her dress is now splattered with blood, or red paint, hopefully.

    I lean against the wall facing the painting and cry silently. 

    Why me, why me, why me, I chant in my head as the tears spill down my neck.  I look up into the pale eyes of Esther, hating her all of a sudden.

    I grip the locket and grasp it, my knuckles turning white.  I cry more tears, wishing this all would end.

    I sit for a few minutes before standing, my legs wobbly.  I slowly make my way back to the comfort of my room.  I shut the door with a quiet click and stride to my bed, not even bothering with the covers.  I curse Esther, curse whoever is ruining the wedding before I fall asleep, my face still wet with tears.

    I wake up with a moan, wanting to fall back asleep.  I look at the clock resentfully as it ticks to seven forty-one.  I scowl, wishing I had slept in more.

    "Morning, sweetie," my mom says from the couch.  I grunt in response.

    She chuckles.  "Were you a little hot last night?"

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