"Oh... Well at least you didn't crack it" I say brushing off the dust.

I heard laughing from down the hall and saw Leon and Violetta heading to class.

Diego caught me staring at them.

"Hey... You okay?"

"Wh-what? Oh! Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I reply skittishly.

"Because... You sort of have a crush on Leon..." Diego smirks.

"H-how did you know?!" I whisper.

"Well... It was a far-fetched guess, but now you just confirmed it" He laughs.

"Oh" My cheeks are turning pink. "Well yeah, but you know... It's whatever"

"Hey, If you really want to get him... Go for it... I'm sure he'd be willing to go on a date if you asked him"

I gave him a whimsical look and threw on a smirk. "Wow, so you're not saying that because you're into Violetta, huh?"

"What? Of course not..." He remarks.

"Okay.... Whatever you say" I laugh.

He looks me deep in the eyes with sympathy.

"So... You miss her?"

I hesitate for a moment then decide to speak. "No... I'm glad we're keeping our distance..."

I don't know if I'm lying to myself deep down.

"C'mon, you two are 'BFF's" He says making sarcastic air quotes. "Best friends don't fight like this"

"Look... Diego... I should go..."

"Francesca wait-"

"No I... I'm gonna go bye." I walk into the classroom and accidentally make eye-contact with Violetta.

We didn't stop staring, even when I went to go sit down. It was like a competition to see who would look away first.

I was the winner. Violetta finally rolled her eyes and continued talking to Leon. They laughed and playfully exchanged smiles. In a way, she won.

Camilla tapped me on the shoulder and hugged me.


"Hey Cami.."

"Oh don't worry about Vilu... She's not going to leave you for Leon"

"I honestly don't care" I lied.


"Let's play a game where we ignore this conversation!" I suggested with a big, fake smile.

Camilla rolled her eyes and sighed as she glanced at Violetta.



~Leon's POV~


After school had ended, I was meeting with Violetta in the instrument room. She told me to come there to give me the address to the wedding and other essentials.

I expected to see Violetta coming through the door so I looked up and put on a little smile, but instead I was surprised by none-other than Diego...

"Hey mate" He smiles mischievously.

"What are you doing here?" I ask immensely curious.

"Nothing... I just heard in some class earlier that Violetta whispered to you to come meet her in the instruments room for some reason, so I decided to come mess around" He chuckles.

"Diego... I say this in the nicest way I possibly can; Get out"

"Make me" He glares leaning against the piano.

"Okay if there's some stupid thing you're needing to tell me, just say it" I get frustrated.

"Sure." He says in a serious tone. "So, Here it is: This 'plan' or whatever the hell it is, isn't working out. You said that I could have her, but you clearly don't understand the brother's code of 'I saw her first'. How come Vilu invited you to go with her as her wedding date and not me?"

"We're going as friends" I say slowly.

"Can't you tell her you can't go?" He asks.

"No... I can't"

"Well... Let's change the subject, shall we?" He asks getting surprisingly cheerier for a second.

"Uh sure?" I could tell he was still a little angry.

"Francesca. Hm. She seems like a sweet girl"

"You... Like her?"

"What? Nah.. She's not my type..."

"Oh then, why are we talking about her?"

"You know why" He smirks.

"No I-"

"Oh c'mon!" Diego raises his voice. "It's obvious..."

"What is?"

"She's interested in you!"


"Yeah, she kinda told me" he smiles.

"Well, what am I supposed to do about it?"

"Give her a chance, maybe?" He punches me playfully in the arm.

You see, Diego will never quit at this. He's usually cool, but once jealousy has taken over him, he plays it rough.

"Yeah.... Okay" I fake a smile.

"Really?" He says surprised. "Wow, cool" he laughs.

I laugh with him as well. Great, now he thinks I'm gonna ask Fran out... What do I do?

"Well I'll see you later mate" He smiles patting me on the back. Once he gets to the doorframe, he turns around and raises his brow; "I've always liked our grand conversations"


~Violetta's POV~


I rushed out of the classroom and into the hallways to find Leon, to find the instrument room.

When I saw it, there were two figures inside, so I stood by the door waiting for them to get out.

I slightly eavesdropped and could hear Leon and Diego! They were talking about Francesca...

"She's interested in you!"


"Yeah, she kinda told me"

"Well, what am I supposed to do about it?"

"Give her a chance, maybe?"

I tried not to spy, but it was tempting. I can't believe my ex-best-friend has a crush on Leon! She never even told me! That just gives me more of a reason to not trust her, and to not make up with her... I'm definitely not apologizing...

I snuck into the corner as Diego walked out ending the conversation.

I came out making sure no one was looking and bumped into Leon as I walked inside the room.

"Woah, hey" He gives me a smile.

"Oh hi...sorry"

"No it's okay. It was me, I thought you weren't coming so I was about to leave"

"It's fine. Anyways, here's the address" I say giving him a slip of paper.

"Thanks" He says.

"Oh, and one last thing; it's sort of a 'black tie event' type of thing so..."

"Don't worry, I have something I could wear" He assures me.

"Okay" I say smiling. "See you there then"

"Yeah, see you this saturday"

"Mhm." I walk out of the room with the same cheeky smile on my face.


"Band Mates" // Violetta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now