skating session - london!!

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My crown was always ambitious… particularly in achieving my only goal >

First and foremost, I had a strong urge to break my own record for number of wins in a single season in ice-skating. I was enjoying a day skating session on a crisp winter day with my mommy and rick in a park. The wonderland’s park was lit up for Christmas with an evening skate… I was preparing myself for the biggest and national competition, which was going to be held in my city of London.

As the days gone by, I went to one of the biggest ice-skating competition. It was there within the area of 250 square meters, with not more than 6 skaters, usually because of safety concerns. We were officially allowed to move on the ice- floor once for practice before the segment starts. 

“The competition begins with the small dance performance and each skater were allowed to be on the ice-floor when their music gets played. “

I was assigned number 4th, the initial 3 skaters had their turn and now it was mine. I was called on the floor with my music turned on. During my figure skating, I started skating on the ice-floor, as I took my slide board forward and backward, skidding turned it side-wise typically as a result. 

I fell down to the floor that causes me great and an intense shooting pain in my entire right leg.

I was taken to the hospital by mommy; she was worried because of me. 

She call up my dad, who was living with my mater, second mother in the town of berlin. We all stayed together throughout the course of my treatment in the city of London.

Now, “My dad took us to berlin along with him!!”

It took me almost 1yr to get well, I wasn’t allowed to go school during this time***

I was given full relaxing time with continuous treatment towards my leg. Initially I wasn’t able to walk or move it, by the time passes, my leg was treated completely and now I was totally in a good condition.

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