I went to her in a heart beat, cupping her face in my hands. "What happened?"

She was in so much pain, I could tell. But she was fighting the release from it.

Her hands remained in her pockets, a blank look on her gorgeous face. "On my way here, I got a call. The chemo didn't work too well. She died an hour ago, all alone."

I was the one to cry, two massive tears falling down my cheeks. "Shayne... "

She pulled away from me. "I just wanted you to know. I didn't get the chance to say what I needed to say to her. But you still have a chance with your dad, I'll make sure you get it."

"Shayne... "

"Come on," she said coolly.

She opened the door and stepped out, leaving me speechless and impossibly heart broken for her. I wanted so desperately to relieve her of the pain.

Wiping away the tears, I walked into the living room and found them both already seated.

"Are you okay, sweetie. Come here," my mother said from the couch opposite Shayne.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I eyed Shayne as I sat, noting the hardness in her eyes.

"Are you familiar with the name 'Loretta Montgomery'?" she said, looking straight at my mother.

She immediately tensed at Shayne's words, clearing her throat a second later. "I'm sorry? I thought you were going to tell me why my daughter is in danger. I'm now beginning to think you're a sociopath who only wants my daughter to herself."

"Mom!" I warned, wondering why she was suddenly so pissed. I turned to Shayne. "Who's Loretta Montgomery?".

"Loretta Montgomery is your half sister."

"Half sister?" I looked to my mother for answers, but all she did was shake her head, eyes pleading with Shayne.

"Please," she begged.

"It's not my place to say anything, Mrs. Ryans. So if you wish to keep that information to yourself, that's okay. But... "

"No!" I burst out, standing. "I am exhausted. For once in my life, I want to feel like I'm actually in control. I don't want to feel like everyone in my life is hiding something from me to protect me. Just this once, I think I deserve the respect. Starting with you, Shayne. Tell me why you're protecting me, and don't you dare give me some bullshit excuse about 'the right time'."

Although I still felt for her, greatly, I wanted our current issue solved and then I'd let my heart bleed for her.

She stared hard at me for a full minute, until she sighed in defeat. "The heart, the bombing and the shooting were meant to destroy me. They know you're important to me. With you out of the way, I'd be left weak."

My heart melted for a moment before I hardened my feelings again. "Who is they?"

"My enemies. I have a lot of them, so much that I probably don't know half of them. So I thought it'd be best you didn't know about them for your safety. The more you know, the more I put you in danger. Also... " She paused and failed to hide the worry in her hazel eyes.

I finished for her. "You were afraid I'd hate you for everything that's happened."

"I would if I were you." I read self-hate, sorrow, panic and mortification before she abruptly looked away.

My heart broke into a thousand pieces.

At that moment, I just wanted to hold her, comfort her and assure her that I'd never leave her alone, no matter what. Especially not now. But that was a moment for another time.

"Is that all?"

When she looked back at me, her eyes were blank again. Good, it made things easier. "That's it."

I nodded. "Okay. Mom, you're next."

"Honey, it's nothing, trust me." She was using that manipulative tone she always used when she needed to coax me into whatever she wanted.

"Cut it out! Tell me, mom, oh so help me God... "

I was generous enough to give her a moment. "Fine, but please don't hate me."

"Just tell me."

"Well," she visibly inhaled, "Loretta is my daughter, but not your father's. I was young and stupid, okay. Two months into our marriage, I fooled around with some lowlife artist, and I had Loretta. But your dad forgave me, I swear. However, Loretta's dad didn't want her associated with us. So she went with him before we were even able to bring her home. It still destroys me up till this da—."

"Mrs. Ryans, hiding the truth and lying are two completely different things." Shayne passed warning eyes onto my mother.

"What aren't you telling me, mom? If you don't tell me everything, I swear you'll never see me again."

Horror filled her features before she covered her face with her hands. "It-It's the other way around."

"How?" I said, my gaze turning suspicious.

She dropped her hands, tears running down her face. "Your dad isn't your biological father, the artist is. And Loretta is our biological daughter, your dad and I."

I shut my eyes for five straight seconds, hoping my hearing had gone bad, but her words had been painfully clear. I wasn't my father's daughter.

It wasn't easy to doubt her words; I really looked nothing like Jonathan Ryans. 

"Remember when I swore you'd never see me again?" I said, opening my eyes. "Well, that's now. Goodbye, mother."

"Olivia, please listen to me," she sobbed, grabbing my hand.

"I don't even want to know. You disgust me, and if you come near me ever again, I swear to God, I will kill you."

Her eyes widened impressively. "Olivia!"

"Shayne, I'm ready to go."

I ignored my mother's cries as we left the apartment, the only pillar of strength I had was walking right beside me, gorgeous hazel eyes alertly scanning the area.

That was when I realized something ridiculous.

The moment I hated my despicable mother was the moment I fell in love with Shayne West.


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I know these two last chapters were not all about Shay and Olly, but the next one definitely will be. 😜😜

Love you guys.

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