"Y/n!down! Keep your head down!"

I was grateful that she didn't questioned me and did what I told her to do so, I noticed her shaking. I'm gonna fucking kill them for making her this scared.
I took out my gun, this happens most of the time, even though I don't like it, I can't deny the reality, that I'm the son of a Mafia leader, I have to be prepared all the time but I'm not gonna give up on Y/N just because of that fact, not now, not ever, I'll do anything and everything to protect her, even if it means me becoming taking the throne of my dad's empire Adrenaline rushed through me. I tried my best to not make any use of my gun because of my girl beside me, I don't want her to be scared of me. I looked back and saw 2-3 black cars chasing after us.

Y/N's pov

What is happening....? What the fuck have I gotten myself into...? Just a few moments ago everything was alright, we were having fun and now this? My body was shaking..... But it was not fear.... This feeling was unknown but I'm sure it's not fear or nervousness.

I don't want to remember my past... I-I just don't. I don't want the history to repeat itself. I shouldn't have agreed to this date. Why do I have to be so naive,I closed my eyes tightly my palms on my ears as my hands gripped my hair tightly.

Please.....I prayed, but I myself couldn't decipher what I was praying for. I opened my eyes slightly and saw My professor taking out a gun, my heart rate increased instantly, I was understanding that he was having difficulty to drive and hold gun at the same time, but why does he have a gun in the first place........?

"L-let me drive..."
I don't know what happened to me. Why am I even thinking to help him? Is it because I trust him?  I don't want him to get hurt? Or am I doing it for myself ?

He looked at me for a second, surprised, he narrowed his eyes before glaring at me intensely.

"No, you could get hurt" He increased the speed, passing through different vehicles.

"Jungkook..... Please let me do it, otherwise we both can get hurt" I had to stop myself down from yelling at him 'Why do you care?!'. I don't wanna fight now, as I know I'll faint if I'll not do anything and just sit here. I don't know who are these people but I know this much that they are dangerous enough to hurt me,and my only support is Jungkook, I need to stay calm in this situation.

Jungkook's pov

Did she just say she wanted to drive but fuck! The way she said my name breathlessly send chills down my spine, for a split second my mind pictured something else,but I was quick enough to remove those thoughts. I'm even surprised that she didn't react the way I thought she would. There wasn't any trace of fear in her face, even when she saw the gun. Her eyes were just.....blank. I thought for a moment about what to do, and then gave her a quick nod.

We removed our seat belts as now I've realized we were crossing a bridge. It was vacant.I went on the back seat with quite difficulty because of my built form as Y/n took my place easily. I unlocked the gun before sliding the window open, forcing my body out and to my surprise there was only one car chasing after us now... Ah... Well done hyungs. I started shooting them, I laughed lightly when I hit a man whose half body was out just like me,straight in his forehead, my shooting skills are not bad after all. Stupid dogs. Y/n was driving the car at an incredible speed, I swear this girl is full of surprises. She's so fucking amazing! I can't help but once again imagine her face. Her long black hair which I would love to run my fingers through, her smooth tanned skin, which I would love to feel against my own, her green eyes staring straight into my brown once, her golden nose piercing--

"Shit!" I hissed when a bullet pierced through my left shoulder, leaving it numb for a few seconds before pain started consuming that area. These shitty monkeys can't even let me imagine my baby's face peacefully.

I quickly aimed at one of the front tire carefully, as they were missing their shots because of Y/N's driving. I shot the tire and the car rolled over to the side. Falling off of the bridge, breaking the railings in the process. I grunt before coming inside, Taking deep breaths.

"My God..... Y-you're bleeding heavily" Y/n gasped as I noticed the sweat forming on her forehead from the front mirror. "B-but where the hell do I drive now?"  I noticed that she was clearly panicking by seeing the blood, I guess she doesn't like seeing blood.

"J- just go straight and then turn right- Ugh" I crunched my face, frowned my eyebrows then took deep breaths.

"O-okay, just hold on."

Suddenly, my phone rang, I took it out and saw Jin hyung calling me. I quickly received it. Putting the call on speaker, and keeping it beside me,as I clearly wasn't in the condition to hold the phone against my ear. I used my right hand to apply pressure on the wound in hopes to stop the bleeding.


"Oh my God! Jungkook? Are you okay...? "

" Are you fine? "

" Are you hurt? "

" Is Y/N with you? "

I could clearly hear the concern in their voices as I realized that Jin hyung's phone was on speaker mode too.

"I'm fine hyungs, just got shot in a shoulder and Y/n is with me, She's driving right now"

" Oh God, how the hell did you get shot? Where was your mind you idiot!" Jin hyung scolded me like always,but I clearly won't tell them that my mind drifted to Y/n while she's here. This girl seriously took control over my whole mind.

"Ah-hyung, I'm sorry! But I want you to tell my ba- I- I mean Y/n, yeah," I coughed nervously before continuing noticing Y/N's eyebrows frown for a second. "I- I w-want you to tell y-y/n the direction of o-our safe house, we just crossed the bridge"  I said as I hand over my phone to y/n.


Who uses black theme all the time? 😆

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