52 - Breaking Stereotypes

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"Domino!" Tilly giggle happily, clapping her hands together as she won yet another round of dominos against Natasha.

"You're too good Miss Jackson." Natasha rolled her eyes playfully, tossing her the winnings as she slumped back on the wooden chair, putting her feet up on the table as Tilly tidy's it away.

"Can I ask you a question, Natasha?" Tilly asked sheepishly, the young girl sitting forward with her fingers intertwined, resting it on the wooden table.

"Always." Natasha nodded at her, wanting her to continue with her question.

"What's going on with you and Mr Bell? Are you's a thing or are you both just fooling around?"

Natasha looked into her lap, playing lazily with the button of her black shirt before shrugging her shoulders. "I-I don't know, truthfully."

This made Tilly frown, seeing the unsure look on Natasha's face, praying that Micah wasn't using her like he had done with women in the past. "You don't know? Have you's talked about it?"

Natasha moved her feet off the table and sat how Tilly was, her arms resting on the surface of the table but had a more slumped posture. "No, not really. He isn't using me though!" She quickly interjected the last part, not wanting to give Micah more of a bad reputation. "He's actually... pretty sweet." The memories of last night ran through her brain like a train, her heart fluttering at the sound of his moans and the feeling of his lips against her neck.

"Huh." Tilly breathed out, relaxing more to see the smile beam onto Natasha's face. "Well, maybe you should speak to him about it... he has been staring at you through our three games of dominos, after all." Tilly whispered, nodding her head past Natasha's shoulder.

Natasha felt her heart flip slightly, glancing over her shoulder to see Micah stood by a wagon, sharpening his knife but with a smirk on his face as his met hers in an instant. She sucked in a breath and quickly looked back to Tilly and shook her head in disbelief. "Has he really been looking for that long?"

"Absolutely." Tilly grinned from ear to ear before pushing herself away from the table before Miss Grimshaw could tear into her for doing no work.

Natasha strummed her fingers over the table, slowly looking back over her shoulder to see that Micah had disappeared from view making her squint her eyes in surprise, somewhat expecting him to be there. She shrugged and stood up from the table and walked over towards where he was, looking around casually so it didn't look like she was looking for him.

It felt strange wanting to see Micah. When she first met him he was cruel, unkind, rude and vindictive and now she was wanting to see him all the time. Even if it wasn't to speak to him, she felt that his presence but her at ease, as if no harm could come to her.

"You lookin' for me?"

She turned to the left quickly, watching Micah saunter up to her, a small smirk on his face.

She looked him up and down slightly, noticing that he was wearing his black pants rather than his beige ones which she preferred. He also wore a deep blue shirt rather than his red one which was most likely being washed by the girls.

"Kind of, maybe." She flustered, finding it hard to look him in the eye after last night.

He hummed softly, lifting his head up to scan her face properly before dropping it back down to how it normally was. "Walk with me?" It was more of a command than it was an offer but she obliged either way and caught up to him quickly as he led her away from camp, walking around the soft green grass.

The pair of them were silent which was odd seeing as Micah loved to brag and talk but he seemed quiet too her, a little too quiet. Instantly, she was filled up with anxiety incase he was about to tell her to leave her alone after last night which instantly brought tears to her eyes. She felt stupid, having never cried over a man romantically before in her life. She didn't even know if it was romantic feelings she was feeling for him in terms of 'loving him'.

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