51 - Naughty Antics

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The following few days, Micah and Natasha's relationship only got stronger. They had both received some questionable looks from around camp when they'd be sat at a table together, laughing or drinking or even when Micah visits her in the evening in her tent, staying until the middle of the night before leaving. Everyone saw it coming, they just didn't except Micah to find someone as tolerable as Natasha. Having said that, Micah's attitude around camp definitely changed. He held his tongue and seemed happier which is a rarity and it was all thanks to Natasha.

She stirred awake in the middle of the night after having a bad dream. Usually, she would just roll over and head back to sleep but there was something about that dream which didn't sit right with her.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hand and exited her tent. The air was warm so she didn't mind stepping out in just a long shirt. She lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke, instantly relaxing as the substance travelled into her lungs then out through her nose.

She glances towards tent and frowned to see Micah still up. She looked up to the moon, estimating the time to be around 3am. He rarely did watch at night and due to the bottle in his hand, she could tell her wasn't on watch. In fact, nobody was on watch for that matter. Looks like Dutch didn't care for anyone's safety anymore.

She took one last drag and stepped back into her tent, pulling on some pants before making her way over to Micah. She let her hair fall loosely, not wanting to approach him with bad bed hair but then again, he told her every single day that he finds her to be the most 'beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on.

The comment came first the night that Bronte was killed when they were in the tent together. She was distressed clearly and she ended up telling him what Dutch had said. By the look on Micah's face, he was ready to kill him but knew it would be silly since there was nothing official about their relationship. She carried on to say that she didn't understand why Dutch had chosen a liking to her and that she was just 'dull, boring and plain' which actually annoyed Micah. He definitely did not think she was any of those things and quite the opposite and told her that she was beautiful. Since then, they would lie in each other's cot or sit at the tables around camp where he would whisper sweet nothings to her.

The one thing that she was worried about pursuing Micah was if he would expect sexual favours from her... he did not. In fact, he hadn't even made a pass or comment to her about anything of the sort. She really must've messed him up if he can control his sexual desires... unless he actually didn't find her sexually attractive.

She frowned at the thought, sighing as she put herself down but shrugged off the thought when Micah looked up, noticing Natasha walking over to him.

"What are you doing up?" He questioned her, his voice slightly hoarse as she tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake up any camp mates.

Bad Blood // Micah Bell (Red Dead Redemption 2 Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora