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~your (not so regularly scheduled) programming is interrupted by me screaming~


2k READS?? I'm so happy you guys don't even understand

Like seriously, a part of my brain keeps second-guessing myself, thinking "oh well that was a weird part in the story what if people don't like it you should have done it this way u done messed up" or "a lot of people were reading until that one space of time where you didn't post the next chapter for like a month and now not as many people read it u done messed up" or "it's getting kinda long and you plan on making it longer but some people might not like that cuz your lazy ass also don't like reading really long fics u done messed up" but all the support is making me a lot more confident in my writing abilities and it makes me so happy :)

I am constantly refreshing my notifications to see the comments on my chapters and if there aren't any new ones I get sad but when there are I read through every single one (even 150 of them, u know who u are ;) ) and ahhhhhh I'm just so excited that so many people are reading and enjoying my shittttt

It's so inspiring to see a lot of people excited to read the next chapters you put out. Like I'm actually not being lazy and trying to get shit done for once

Thank you so much I love you all, even you guys who I don't really get to socialize with cause you don't comment (but like I get it, you just wanna read some Kleinsen) :)))))

I also got #1 in evanxjared <3

~now back to your (not so regularly scheduled) programming~

Oh, by the way, I changed the way I write messaging cause I like this way better oof

There wasn't much to do besides chill after Evan left. I still had a headache, but it wasn't that bad anymore. Mom and dad won't be home from their little vacation until tomorrow, so I have the house to myself for a while. I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just do what I always do- scroll through memes on my phone. I was having a wonderful time until someone had to interrupt me.

New message: from Dumb Bitch

I click on the banner to go to my messages and see what Alana wants (and yes, I did name Alana Dumb Bitch in my contact info).

-Only drank beer
-didn't drink that much beer
-no food craving
That means your dumb ass didn't blackout

Your point

So you remember everything

For the most part yeah?


Oh my god Alana get to the point

I have evidence that it happened ;)

That what happened?

Oh you know ;) ;)

I really don't

Ok fine


;) ;) ;)

I clicked the link and a picture popped up on my screen.

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